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Everything posted by stretcher66

  1. here is a couple of handy tools for getting a idea for mixing and matching your colors. First is a app for google chrome you can download for free at the web store for chrome. its called color pick eyedropper it will pick the color out of a webpage and give you different type values for it. second is this page here http://trycolors.com/ that lets you mix colors together by percentages to try to match your target.
  2. not sure of the quality, but you may be able to find something here http://www.dhgate.com/wholesale/unpainted+lures.html pretty sure you have to buy in quantity but i may be wrong.
  3. I always fish a trailer hook with all my spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. a cheap way to up the percentage of the hook ups for sure.
  4. stretcher66

    image009 1

    did you buy this mold pre-made or did you have it custom made?
  5. Thanks mark for the info. what i can tell from the picture it looks like to me with the hump of the back as high as it is, that your centerline may be up higher than what you have your line tie. and that the line tie is barely higher than the bottom hinge at the joint may cause some issue, but not sure on that. and as mark said maybe the dorsal is acting as a rudder if its not perfectly true.
  6. just curious why burning a swimbait seems to be so important to people? every swimbait i have ever fished has been at a very slow retrieve. I can't recall ever needing to burn a swimbait through the water during any fishing conditions i have been in.
  7. another thing you can use to practice on is some old lures that you have not used because of chipped paint, hook rash, or whatever reason. I personally do mostly re-paints on walmart bargain box lures i can grab for a buck or two, i hit garage sales for lures real cheap and you can find alot of real good lures there at times, or order some unpainted blanks. the paint will not act the same shooting onto a paper towel roll as it would a plastic or wood lure. i will post some pics soon of some of the repaints i do. i dont sell baits i only do them for my personal use so i don't go into great detail, but they always seem to catch fish.
  8. I know its not jointed, but Bomber used to make a waterdog crankbait years ago.
  9. actually not much of an issue at all, occasionally one may get a crease in it, but i can usually just reheat that area with the vacuum on and it straightens out. http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/10602653/Make_your_own_stencils_for_pai
  10. I used a empty gallon size paint can i had in the garage to make my stencil maker. it took 15 min to make and did not cost anything, as i had everything already laying around. i use plastic milk cartons for the stencils they may not work as good as the stencil sheets you buy. but they are free and plentiful.....
  11. do you have a link for that? all i can find is surfboard blanks on ebay and everywhere else i have looked refers it as balsa. thanks
  12. wow with the price tag on paulownia, you would have to charge $50 per crankbait to break even.
  13. hahaha i am not sure about the subliminal messages, but i am sure with enough pot smoking it can sound like whatever you want it to....
  14. to bad the piece is made from aluminum, and not steel or you could mount a rare earth magnet on your workbench or the wall above it and just stick it there. this is how i keep track of the chuck key for my drill press.
  15. here is all ya need to catch fish. http://www.thefishcall.com/index.html
  16. Do you know what kind of material it is made out of? and would it lose its shine if it was washed in a washing machine? i was thinking some type of fabric softener to help relax the threads so that they will not be so stiff.
  17. or you can upload it to youtube and post a link to it here.
  18. http://www.sheltfishingtackle.com/shelts-5-pcs-unpainted-s-glide-1jointed-swimbaits-765g-p-220.html
  19. i know its not a hardbait but river2sea makes a salamander bait that looks pretty good. http://www.river2seausa.com/freshwater/413-nest-raider-waterdog.html
  20. i know this is a old thread but i found this to be interesting and thought about this thread
  21. have you started Punching the weeds yet?i am making a clear lake trip in april , and hope to hit the delta for a day or two. i have alot of family up in antioch and brentwood so i do get up that way occasionally. good luck up there....
  22. so how is the fishing on your side of the hill these days mark? still no water in margarita, san antonio and barely any in lopez. so i was in the big pond all last year. would love to get some bass on the line soon
  23. good read.. just curious to all the guys worried about signing up with their emails..... did you not have to sign up with your email for this site (tackle underground)?
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