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Everything posted by TrinityLureCompany

  1. TrinityLureCompany

    My First Trout

    Nice foil job. That is something I haven't mastered yet and don't know if I ever will. Very nice lure!
  2. TrinityLureCompany

    Carved craw

    Very nice carving job!
  3. TrinityLureCompany

    black widow

    O.K. I know this isn't a lure but I wanted to try to make one of these and since I have posted lures on here before I thought it would be ok. The body of the lure is made with epoxy putty which I have never used before except to fill holes in my cedar lures. It really worked great for this. Easy to form and control. The legs are bailing wire and I built the thickness up toward the body with several coats of Etrex. I then used a dremel to scale down the lower ends to give it the actual look of the spiders legs. This spider sits 2 in. off the ground and it is 6 in. from one leg to the leg opposite it. This thing is huge!
  4. RayburnGuy, Great tip on using super glue on balsa! I have pretty much tossed balsa out of my supplies because of the grain and I just don't like how it feels. With the super glue I could see where that would work great. Thanks again. Mike
  5. RayburnGuy couldn't have said it any better. I have used both the hoop and clamping the netting and by far the clamping works best for me. If I want to paint just one area with a different color or achieve a different look I just use stencils I have made. Like Rayburn I only make a few at a time so each one is going to be different anyway and the time to do the netting doesn't really matter. I have left netting on for quite some time and if I dry each coat in between I don't have a problem, but if I don't dry in between well..... Experience no. 3,287! For me the scale pattern is pretty distinct before the clear goes on and is only enhanced by the clear so these lures don't look like they have had enough coats on them, but that is hard to do if you are holding the netting by hand. I think if you clamp the netting and try again you will get the desire you want. Then if not then experience no. 3, 288! Hope that helped. Mike
  6. Mine is definitely Firetiger. The combination of orange and yellow gets me everytime.
  7. Hey Ken 6645, Great tip thanks for that one. Any time I can save some money I'm all over it. You know "CHEAP"!
  8. TrinityLureCompany


    The bodies are a little over 4 in. long and the wing span is at least 7 in. These are Huge! I am now working on a black widow.
  9. TrinityLureCompany


    The body is cedar and the wings are a thicker plastic.
  10. The wing is made of clear plastic from a cookie container from the store. I tried plexiglass but it just wouldn't work how I wanted it to. Next I am going to try some butterflies.
  11. TrinityLureCompany


    A close up of one of them. When I took the picture I noticed an unintentional heart on this one.
  12. TrinityLureCompany


    I also made two ladybugs for something a little different. Not really baits, but you never know! Hand carved cedar body, turned head and wire legs.
  13. TrinityLureCompany


    A little closer look with the wire legs.
  14. TrinityLureCompany


    This is something I have wanted to try for a while. These are made of Cedar with plastic wings, then two coats of Etrex.
  15. Good morning all, I was just reading an article about embossing fish eyes using embossing ink and then powders and then heating them. Has anyone tried this? Can't seem to find much online and was wondering if it can be used for other areas of lure, like scales or gills. Any thoughts? Thanks. Mike
  16. Hi my name is Mike Bruner. I am 51 and 2 years ago my daughters gave me for Fathers day a book on making your own wood lures since they knew how much I enjoyed fishing. Well while I was on vacation I read the book through 3 times and the bug started. I enjoy wood working so it was a natural fit. I never intended it to be a business (still don't) but after starting many people asked me to make one for them. I started Trinity Lure Company after that only to put a name on the lure and a distinguishing name on where they got it. The name came from me being a Christian for many, many years and the thankfulness of Christ coming to this earth to save me, so the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) was the natural choice. I figured the lures would give me an opportunity to share the gospel to someone. I have sold a few and given away more so getting rich on this was never my intentions. The gentlemen in my church that I have given some to have thoroughly enjoyed having them and don't ever intend to use them. My goal at the beginning was to first make a piece of art that could also be used for fishing. I want to say that everything that I have learned has come from you guys that have been so supportive with a newbie to learn his hobby. You have given and given and I want to be like that so I may help someone someday enjoy this incredible hobby. God bless you all, Michael Bruner Trinity Lure Company
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