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    Lake Fork, Texas

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  1. Not sure where I got the inspiration for this but thought I would share it. Home made paint booth: 1 rubbermade tub - with or without lid the size if the tub will dictate the size of your booth. 4 PC fans - i found some OLD pc's that were being chunked in the trash at my place of business and pulled fans. 1 "cut to fit" air conditioner filter. 1 12vt DC power plug. Needs to provide enough amps to run four pc fans or the fans will not spin. If you cannot locate one you can use a PC power supply. Misc screws. Picture shows it all. I ran the wires up the side of the tub on the left side and put two bolts through the side of the tub were I connected the DC power supply. The tub is plastic so you don't need to worry about anything shorting. If you use the right size bolts you can use a marine battery wing-nut. Or you can do like i did and put alligator clips on the dc power cables and just clip them to the bolts when in use. Use the ac filter to sit inside the tub and filter out the paint, otherwise you will paint the screen on your window or whatever else is behind the tub. If using the PC Power supply, you will have to short two pins on the power connector to "FOOL" it into thinking it is connected to a mother board. Just Google "how to manually turn on an ATX power supply" it is a simple jumper or you can cut the wires and permanently connect them together. then you need to locate the power cables on that plug that provide the proper voltage for your fans. You can permanently set the power unit inside the booth or store it outside and just set it in the tub when done. I use this for powder painting jigs and spinnerbaits as well. It keeps the powder paint dust down in the garage. When I get done painting, I just set everything inside the tub, put the lid on it and set it on a shelf in the garage. I'm working on some other ideas on clipping the baits inside the tub for better holding while painting but have not perfected anything that does not take away from the storage aspect. Hope it is useful for someone and props to who ever gave me this inspiration in the first place??? Because it works great!
  2. I tried searching but couldnt get the results I was looking for so I'm just going to ask it. forgive me if this is too newbie and has been covered 100 times. I'm talking about bass jigs and I'm using a thin wire mustad 3/0 hook. Q: Is there a secret to keeping the paint out of the hook eye. It's driving me crazy! I'm using a heat gun and just dipping (swishing?) the jig head into the paint. Is there a way to do it that will either 1: not clog the eye or 2: keep the paint off entirely? I've been looking into making one of the air injected powder paint beds, I am willing and able if that will do it. I also have a powder paint sprayer but I feel like I loose a lot of paint that way due to overspray. Thoughts or helpfull advice appreciated. Thanks, Stephen
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