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Everything posted by Peque

  1. Well the good news is that I'm joining forces with a buddy of mine that is very good at this pouring and luremaking hobbie,,,we are at the stage of R&D AND for now we are using the best of what we do as individuals I'm the moldmaker and technical stuff and mybuddy the production and logistics...we r starting to improve on a bunch of things, hopefully I can upload some pics of the beautys and add to the recipe book here.
  2. ARTIC CHILL: for 100ml of plasti + 5% hardener. 1/4 tsp hologram blue. 1/4 tsp hologram silver. 1/8 tsp micro glitter blue. 1/8 tsp med glittter black.
  3. That vid is a great baby steps in to the mold makin...he makes a pour on top mold, very easy and inexpensive.... ill pm u later on how i made mine using pop and epoxy on a 2 piece mold..
  4. It took me a couple of weeks to research and to narrow it down to what i wanted,, 1cup pyrex, plastisol, plastisol hrdnr, or softener, colors, glitter, i bought mine in hobbi lobby but make suer is polliester glitter....& lots of trial and error
  5. I just started to pour my own and this site is full of good folks that like and are addicted to lure making, welcome to the hobbie.. and keep pouring!!!
  6. Is anyone posting the recipe w the lure sample, yet??
  7. Yeah,,i like the idea of selling from the back of my truck to friends and their friends..i already sell big R/C planes and do custom work to them, and that pays big greenies.... all i can say is that they keep on telling me to go big with the lure making,lol
  8. Peque

    4" shad

    "jalapeniogold" this is the first lure batch out of my 4 cavity POP mold,, just playing around with colors and mix ratios..
  9. Peque

    3.5" shad

    this is my "go try" batch salt and pepper/hot pink, and pink eye/chartruse..out of my FRP mold,,i was totally impressed on how turned out, it sure put a big smile on my face..
  10. lures,lures,lures!!!!!

  11. @maurizio.. thanks for your reply, no offense taken in any way, Im glad to find somebody that is honest about this topic, I'm learning this addicting hobbie (another one,lol), i'm trying new things almost everytime i get a chance, and i write down the formulas,heat processes,and so forth every time i mix something so i dont do the same mistake,,as far as molds go, i'm a cnc machinist(not practicing anymore),and mold maker in FRP. so that is not a problem to me, i'm in the process of finishing a cool POP mold for 4" shads..check it out!!
  12. Well, a lot of good friends and coworkers they been sugesting that i should produce my own lures and sell them, they love my colors on my shads, they already are fascinated with the scent i been mixing,, the so called "piczie" (licorice scent)....... the question is: how can i get in to lure making home based business?? What gets patented?? Or can i just buy an aluminum mold and go for it using my own color recipes and names? Is just so many questions,questions,,thanks..
  13. Well, a lot of good friends and coworkers they been sugesting that i should produce my own lures and sell them, they love my colors on my shads, they already are fascinated with the scent i been mixing,, the so called "piczie" (licorice scent)....... the question is: how can i get in to lure making home based business?? What gets patented?? Or can i just buy an aluminum mold and go for it using my own color recipes and names? Is just so many questions,questions,,thanks
  14. How much heat stabilazer per cup or % or ratio?? What is tbe best way to heat up the plastisol?
  15. got it,, bubbles in the plasti is solved... i had to reduce the power in my microwave to power #5 and heat it in increments of 45 sec til all the bubbles dissapear, it took me like 4 minutes +-. thanks for the info!!
  16. well i got, another batch of the same stuff by janns plastisol,, im about to try here in the next 10min @ saltfisher,, thanks for ur help and ur good .02$.. ill try ur method and post it here..
  17. that rocks man!!! thats a pretty sweet mold and that shrimp/grub or whatever monster is damn cool!!!! let me up load my first mold..here it goes!!
  18. plastisol,,my bad!! I go 1:10,stir- 30sec,stir- 15sec,stir and pour, that gives me enough time to pour 4 at a time on a 1/2cup batch.. so, is the M-F plastisol hardens with out any bubbles??? wich should i use for salt water?? salt water righ??? i want the consistency of like those gulp saltwater alive.
  19. hi guys,, im a newbie..... anyways i got some Janns lurecraft polisol and we have made a bunch of them but we want to take the bubbles out, its actually like foam, i want to get a crystal clear (or bubble free lure)... what i'm doing wrong???? i been following the instructions,and still got bubbles... i got some lures from basspro and remelt them, and i had no bubbles with these.. any suggestions????? you may move this post to a correct thread since this is my first post:. thanks,Peque
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