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Bassinfool last won the day on June 6 2021

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About Bassinfool

  • Birthday 01/21/1991

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    Lay Lake, AL
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    I've been fishing longer than I've been able to walk. I get in as much seat time as I possibly can whenever possible. When I'm not fishing, I'm thinking about it or making soft plastics for myself or friends. Thanks for coming by my profile and War Eagle!

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  1. Ap already mentioned that Bobs is where you can get this mold to make some yourself but you can also buy some commercially from Creme lures as well.
  2. You can fix the ones with bent tails just by dipping them in near boiling water and then laying them out as straight as possible. Most guys are using clamshell packaging to try and prevent the bending. However, unless you're using formed packaging that conforms to individual baits it is possible you will still get some tail bending given enough time.
  3. That's because I had the wrong hook in my mind I was thinking of the 10413 which comes in 7/0. I have both the 11786BN in 3/0 for shaky heads and the 10413 in 7/0 for the magnum heads.
  4. I use them and they've been great. Very sharp and seem to stay sharp. I use them in smaller 3/0 for shaky heads all the way to 7/0 (maybe 8/0) for my magnum shaky heads and have nothing but good things to say about them.
  5. For me it is wholly dependent on what type of lure we're talking about. Worms, fluke, stick baits, swimbaits- laminate craws and creatures-swirl with some exceptions for colors that are predicated by being "natural" with a lighter belly and darker top AND will be presented to the fish with that orientation in mind.
  6. Green pumpkin and purple just flat out catches fish. Other than being a little tedious placing the halves back in the mold each time laminate plates are about the easiest way to get "perfect" laminated baits. Good work.
  7. Scuppernong 1 cup of plastic 30 drops scuppernong (Lureworks) 4 drops cherry red (Lureworks) 4 drops black (Lurecraft) If you go to page 10 of the cookbook there is a picture in my post showing the color this makes. It's a pretty dark picture because it was beginning to rain but the color is pretty spot on. If you want to cloud it up, you can add salt or a very small amount of white to make it more opaque but I catch a ton of bass on this color every year. It is my go to color in the spring time in a lizard and does well in the summer as a 10-13" worm.
  8. I know I have posted a scuppernong match in the cookbook. I'll see if I can find it for you to get the exact drops but I know it uses black, scuppernong and cherry red dye.
  9. How much are you looking to get for the football head mold?
  10. I have experienced bubbles in every brand of plastic given it lasts long enough for the humidity to get to it living in central Alabama. When that happens having a vacuum chamber is a literal life saver.
  11. I believe they just moved shops as well. Last molds I got from AI took about a month from placing the order to having them in my hands.
  12. I am partial to the Baitjunkys ribbon tail worm. You can buy it from lureworks. It has caught me a boat load of fish over the years, especially during the summer months.
  13. Base color has everything to do with the end effect. I have a bunch of colorshift powders. You can mix them with a transparent base, clear top coat, or brush them on. As for where you get them, there are a ton of different vendors out there. I recently purchased a bunch off of an etsy store, amazon, ebay, dipyourcar, custompaintingpearls are all viable options. In my experience, you get the most dramatic effects over a black base but some of the lighter powders also a do a great job adding a subtle shift when over white, white pearl or other lighter shades. You just have to do some experimenting to find what you want.
  14. My opinion on the matter is that attraction and triggering often time go hand in hand. One of the best examples I can think of are with big glide baits thrown in clear water. These big baits have a lot of "drawing power" with those slow, wide movements bringing in fish from a long distance away- I have had instances where I can see a fish close on the bait from maybe 10-15 feet away, get right on the tail of the bait and follow it all the way to the boat before turning away. Obviously this fish was attracted to the lure but didn't commit. This is where the triggering part comes into play. Again, using the glide bait example, if I can see that I have a follower but they're not committing to the bait I will jerk my rod tip hard a few times to make it dart side to side, crank the reel handle hard a few times and kill the bait to let the bait slide off to one side or, depending on the bait, twitch it and make the bait do a 180 turn and face the fish. Often times these movements are enough to illicit a violent reaction from followers or turn them off completely- you really don't know until you try a few different things and start getting bites. To summarize, attraction is what brings the fish to the bait but triggering them to bite appeals to their core predatory instinct making them lash out and commit to the bait.
  15. https://www.basstackle.com/8_Fat_Treat_Worm_p/196-kj-4.htm It's a beast. I throw it on a Randy Howell Magnum shaky head jig I pour from Do-it, typically in 3/8 or 1/2 oz with a 7/0 hook.
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