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Everything posted by Bassinfool

  1. Thanks I'll be checking it out!
  2. Link to your site? I'm on my phone so if it's listed under your name or something and I can't see it I'm sorry hah.
  3. Worm oil smokes something awful. Best way I have made my own scents is to put worm oil in a mason jar then add say garlic or fresh coffee grounds and leaving it on the porch for two weeks in the sun and shake it up each afternoon when I get home. Do that with your paste and when the two weeks is up put it through a fine strainer and you're set.
  4. If I had to take a guess it would either be infringement or cost.
  5. It really looks a lot like big bites yo mama
  6. He had both options available. The bait is absolutely huge. Something in the neighborhood of 6.5" long.
  7. It's called the beast and it was a mold that Bear used to have on his site. You may be able to find one used or possibly get in touch with bear and see if he will make you one.
  8. I prefer the medium soft pourasol personally, but a good all around starter is their medium. That way you have the option to add softener or hardener as you wish.
  9. Bear, Caney Creek and Bass tackle are all great and have awesome customer service. Del makes a great mold but if you want one of his molds I would try to find one used or on Lurecraft.com before trying to deal with him directly.
  10. I'm fairly certain you could do it yourself as long as you have the required materials. I'm going to go the route of stick on labels since I think that will be a little easier and more convenient at least for my needs.
  11. My bags I use have come from bear. Only thing I would recommend is buying bags an inch bigger than the bait you plan to put inside it.
  12. After trying some other brands, I stuck with the lure works plastisol because it works great and you really can't bear the price of it. I use the medium soft pourasol and add softener as I need it. Without any salt at all and a 4/0 super line hook I get a very very very slow fall. I don't have a stick bait mold yet unfortunately and I powder my own salt with a coffee grinder so I can't speak to the quality of their salt either but I would imagine it is a quality product along with the rest of their products.
  13. WTB a full round 5" stick bait mold. Anything between 5 and 5 1/4" is fine, two piece aluminum hand pour or injection is fine as well. Post here if you have a mold you're wanting to get rid of and PM me as well. Thanks, Nick
  14. All metals have different levels of conductivity, aluminum being a wonderful conductor of electricity. Ever put a chikfila pouch in the microwave? Makes for a nice little light show, my 5 year old cousin treated me to that little gem haha
  15. I put a recipe for Zooms watermelon red in the cook book. Try giving that one a try, I use LC flake and don't have any problems with bleeding.
  16. Just based on the pictures alone it looks almost like Zoom's scuppernong color without as much black in it.
  17. Del makes a good mold but if you want to get it before Christmas you need to order through lurecraft as he has a reputation for pushing orders back for small time customers. My suggestion would be to see if lurecraft has the mold you want in stock and if not to buy the one from bass tackle because they make great molds as well.
  18. I have some of the same flake monte, I wasn't very pleased with it either. The disco glitter is the flake that is used but I think if you are wanting to use it there will have to be a lot of experimentation to find a good temp to keep it at where you can pour but not ruin the flake. So far I haven't been able to find that sweet spot.
  19. Well the flake got here and it did not work out as I had hoped. It just can't stand up to the high heat of the plastic. Almost as soon as you put it in the plastic it begins to lose its translucent property and turns into an opaque silver.
  20. It's not the laser glitters, it's what they call disco glitter. I have some ordered that should be getting here today. On lurecraft's site they say it's not recommended for pouring but some people do use it so I'm going to try it since I have a guy that wants a black light color in the 702 craw. I'll let you know how the flake works out and whether or not you want to spend the money on it in case it doesn't hold up.
  21. Alright everyone, here are my two recipes that are nearly identical matches to Zoom's Scuppernong and Watermelon red. Scuppernong 1 cup of plastic 30 drops scuppernong (Lureworks) 4 drops cherry red (Lureworks) 4 drops black (Lurecraft) Those aren't bubbles in the plastic they're actually rain drops haha. Watermelon 1/2 cup plastic 3 drops Green Pumpkin (Lurecraft) 1 drop watermelon (Lurecraft) 1 drop Natural (Lurecraft) 4 drops Lime green (Lurecraft) Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures, only camera I have right now is my phone but the colors look great. The amounts are also linear, so for instance the scuppernong recipe for a 1/2 cup would be 15 drops, 2 drops, 2 drops.
  22. I can't find a good picture of the color you're talking about and don't know where I would go to find it locally.
  23. Thanks Smallie, based on that we could put a guide at either the beginning or end of the cookbook to help those who are new to the hobby and don't know how much plastic to use. 8 fl oz= 1 cup and so on and so forth and possibly even people's use of dash and pinch to include teaspoon and tablespoon conversion. It was just a thought I was having after reading some of the cookbook last night and noticing we had multiple forms of measurement instead of one unanimous form of measurement for the recipes. I've got two spot on recipes to post later once I have my written recipes in hand for zoom scuppernong and zoom watermelon red.
  24. I think something that would be really useful with this cookbook would be an ounces to cups conversion.
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