I would recommend a few things to try. Try a joint angle of about 30 degrees. I place my joint at about 60/40 without the tail. The overall shape isn’t bad, but try making the nose more pointed and the area just before the tail a little thinner. I don’t think blocky matters, but I make mine more rounded with the belly thinner than the back.
I have tested baits with big weight hanging from them and you still will get some type of glide, make sure to distribute the weight as evenly you can. once you put the weights in it will glide better. I personally don’t mold a bait unless I can make it work as wood. But if you do mold cut back you balloons to about 8-10 %, it takes a lot less weight to balance it.
What kind of tail are you using?
glides are a pain, the shape, joint, tail, weight, and line tie location can all affect the action. Keep experimenting and don’t give up and as Mudbug said, if it does work put a lip on it.