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Everything posted by Flaswimbaiter

  1. I always use primer and it’s one I get from Home Depot a basic light primer. I don’t sand my primer I just start applying paint and I use the same as you. I think it works great. I normally only heat treat if the paint is really watered down or if it’s wet and I need to apply the next coat or color. It may also depend on the brand, i know most guys do In between all coats. If you are referring to the Resin coating as the waterproofing that’s a loaded question and can get your many different answers. I use Devcon and KBS. good subject and question, I hope to learn something too.
  2. This is so important ^^^^^^^ sink level and slow. I had some that sank too fast and once I drilled out the weight the glide was much better.
  3. I use weight to measure the micro balloons. I use rice to get an estimate for my resin, then multiple the percentage for the weight of the MB. I like silicon tails, but with everything there are trade offs.
  4. I would recommend a few things to try. Try a joint angle of about 30 degrees. I place my joint at about 60/40 without the tail. The overall shape isn’t bad, but try making the nose more pointed and the area just before the tail a little thinner. I don’t think blocky matters, but I make mine more rounded with the belly thinner than the back. I have tested baits with big weight hanging from them and you still will get some type of glide, make sure to distribute the weight as evenly you can. once you put the weights in it will glide better. I personally don’t mold a bait unless I can make it work as wood. But if you do mold cut back you balloons to about 8-10 %, it takes a lot less weight to balance it. What kind of tail are you using? glides are a pain, the shape, joint, tail, weight, and line tie location can all affect the action. Keep experimenting and don’t give up and as Mudbug said, if it does work put a lip on it.
  5. 6.5 lbs on my bluegill crank
  6. Thanks Dan, your advice was extremely helpful.
  7. Well, my second attempt came out much better and I learned some lessons. Make sure your blank is sanded well. hold 6” away not 12” put the coats on thick but not thick enough to run And shake the crap out of the can before each application. Thanks for the help guys
  8. I put on six coats but it looks cloudy especially on the eyes. It’s somewhat smooth, but I didn’t do a good job sanding beforehand. Is this what it’s supposed to look like?
  9. How long should a wait before coats and how long before submerging in water? and thank you very much for the info.
  10. Looks good. I think that’s what I am looking for.
  11. Wall hangers, but I want to be able to swim them. Not for molding
  12. I have been making more detailed baits and the Devcon is covering up all my detail. I don’t intend on actually fishing most of these “shelf” baits and if I do I will use the Devcon for durability. So I am looking for something that is waterproof and not high gloss that I can use without an air compressor, that I can spray outside then cure in my garage. I don’t have ventilation in my office. So, will this KBS work for what I need? If so, can I get some feedback on how best to apply it, curing time, odor, how many coat to apply, the affects from humidity, etc. I thought about hanging it in the garage an covering it with a sheet to keep out bugs and dust. if not, what would you recommend?
  13. I would be best to seal with superglue, polyurethane or clear coat. I have molded all three with no issues. Clear coat is the best, but washes out the details.
  14. Where do you get you cedar and how does it carve with details?
  15. After experimenting with other woods I mostly use Tupelo and occasionally use poplar. To me they are just easier to work with. But if you not going to carve too many details basswood Tupelo and PVC would be good for floating baits, whereas poplar and other hardwoods would be better for sinking baits. Hardwoods are good for heavy floating baits, I made a spook out of mahogany and it didn’t take much wait to balance it.
  16. For glides I use silicone tails, for other baits I use Lexan. You could also make a tail out of plastic or a brush tail.
  17. So KBS is a one part clear? Does it go on thinner than the two part or about the same? Does it fish eye?
  18. I actually just bought some sheet to make my own. How do you cut yours? X-acto knife?
  19. I found some brass rods on Amazon I cut down for pins, but I make swimbaits. For smaller baits I use SS wire.
  20. I have tried putting a hook on the tail of a glide and it never worked, it always affected the action. I would stick with a soft tail.
  21. I saw a woman Using that on YouTube to modify dolls. I thought it would be useful in making fins or tails, but was concerned about the hot temps we get here in Florida.
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