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  1. chevy5099

    Do-IT molds for sale

    selling this one 3 cavity essential series ripper shad mold 3.5" model # 96022 from Do-It molds. Its in very good shape nothing wrong with it. It's a injection mold. I'm asking 29.00 free ship also. If your interested shot me a email at bass4everjim@yahoo.com Only if your very interested. Picture is attached.Thanks Tim Ewing NJ
  2. Sent an email saying I would take them (rhahn427)


  3. Anyone know were I can get a mixer for my presto pot ? I also seen the presto pots come in one size. Is this true ?
  4. Hi, That web site www.floatworm.weebly.com has 7" worms and they are float real high with a 3/0 hook. This guy that pours them mix the right floating bubbers with plastic and he has it done pat. They do not tear no diffnert then any other worms on the market today. You might get 2 or 3 fish less on he's floating worms but they do catch a lot of fish. I should know :-) By the way you better wear a mask when you mix those bubbers with the plastic or you will be sick later in life. Make sure you wear a mask and eye wear also. It can get into your eyes also. By the way at that guys site he has free shipping on all lures.
  5. Has anyone heard of www.alibab web site. ? I was thinking of ordering some stuff from them and wanted to hear anything good or bad from that web site. It all comes from over seas and you pay with paypal. Thanks for any help.
  6. chevy5099

    Lead for sale

    These are lead weights and they would be great to melt down for jig heads. Free ship. I take Paypal. Email me first at floatit69@yahoo.com Thanks
  7. Hand Injection. I am also using floating bubblers in the plasitc
  8. I have a 6 cavitys craw molds. I get some air in each of the top of each crawfish cavity. Its in the same spot in each cavity I know when hot plastic gos into the cavity the air comes out from the sides of the plate. but that little air gets trap at each top cavitys. So I open the cavity hole more were the hot plastic gos in so the air can come out. Thanks
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