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  1. thanks alot just ordered some Elmers Glue All. Hopefully this will get rid of the bubbles.
  2. Might be a stupid question but how do you seal your molds? Im a beginner and my first pour was with alot of bubbles :-\
  3. Hey and thanks for all the answers. I got a link from Maurizio to a website in germany that sells plastisol and color/flakes etc. and i made my first order from them expecting to have it monday Can't wait - preparing molds as we speak ;D Have a great weekend all!
  4. Thanks for the answers. I will try looking at what germany can offer. I got some liquid latex from the local hobby shop....could this work?
  5. It doesn't Sound like the Way i want to do it...doesn't want the Quick easy solution. Wanna experiment with colours...flakes...molds and so on. But thx for the tip. #3 I was actually hoping that i wouldn't have to order this from the internet because of the shipping costs. Is there no other name for this plastisol or maybe something else, that reacts the same Way When heated? Anders
  6. Hello all. First off - Great forum!! Alot of good help to be found on here. Second - Sorry for my english - from Denmark I'm thinking about starting to learn about the softbait hand pouring techniques. And i have read alot of threads on this forum and seen a lot of videos on how to do this and know that there are several things to always have in mind when dealing with hot liquid plastic. But My problem is that i can't seem to find ANYONE in Denmark that sells Plastisol. I have mailed a lot of companies, but they all said that they don't use it or don't know what it is. So i'm thinking...are there any other Names for plastisol? Maybe another brand? I now that i can order this from alot of internet shops but it's quite expensive to have them ship 1 or 5 gallons to Denmark plus it might get even more expensive when it reaches Denmark because of Customs and Import duties. and i don't even know if it is legal to ship something like liquid plastic to Denmark... So i really hope you guys can help me The Best Regards - Anders W
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