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Slammingjack last won the day on May 16 2020

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    Deltona, Fl.

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  1. The way you help people is why I buy most of my products from you. Thank you for what you do.
  2. I don't cut off the sprue. i use a large needle pliers and rock it back and fourth until the sprue brakes off. Then I use a file to smooth the jig.
  3. Wow! What a mess of things to happen. Hope ever thing works out.
  4. I use small brown paper bags. Works great and only cost a few dollars. We used them as lunch bags, back in the day. I got mine at Publix. There is like 50 bags.
  5. Jacobs has them. But they ain't cheap. The Frame is $130.00 and the inserts are $30.00 each. I'll stay with the do-it molds.
  6. n 1988, after significant upgrades to their automated tempering facilities and further expansion in the hook factory, Gamakatsu® Co. Ltd. opened Gamakatsu® International Co., Ltd. in Thailand and Gamakatsu® Shantou Co. Ltd. in China in 1989. Maybe like the other hook maker with the red hooks. I forget the name of the company. Been awhile when that happen. To me if it says China it can be junk! Not sure but makes sense.
  7. I did get around to pouring it. Mold needs some work. Too much flash and handle gets real hot. Need to make wooden handles. Thank you Fatman!
  8. Got it off of EBAY. There is a name on it, Ament M# HH5 Inder, Mo. Never herd of that one. Just wondered if anybody knew anything about it. It's well used but works good.
  9. Most of the time, you can go up or down one size. But not all the time. 3/16 should work. #2 I don't think so.
  10. Well, the top of the jigs was where the rough and pitted places were. So I rubbed it with my finger and found good old Florida sugar sand. which is white in color. lol So I cleaned it again. Came out better. So I ordered some good lead from Rotometals.
  11. Thanks y'all for you help. Turns out the lead is full of sand and I didn't clean it good enough.
  12. I have two batches of about 5o lbs. each. Not from the same place. One batch has a blue like vein running through it. Which makes the blue lead on the surface be rough and sometimes pitted. I tried cleaning the lead again with candle wax. But It didn't help. Do you know a way to fix it? Or should I just get rid of it?
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