I have made 5 or 6 molds out of household Silicone. I used Ace Hardware cheapest they had. Must be 100% silicone. I used 1/4 tsp of water. The whole thing about the water is it speeds up the curing of the silicone. Also make it smell about 5x stronger. Will take your breath away. Make a mold box, I used wood. Make sure you have four sides, a top and bottom. Just use clamps to hold it together. I used clear silicone and add the water and mix it so all the silicone turns a off white.You only have about 10 minutes before it starts setting up. Spoon in the silicone and fill the box to the top, place your model in and place the top on the box and push down to help remove air pockets. Let it set for 2 hours. Remove the box and any water. Start pouring. Yep two hours and you can pour. If you get any voids in the mold, just mix up some more silicone and water and fill in the void. put the model back in and your good to go. The model must be sealed and if it's shiney. Your baits will come out shiney