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Everything posted by basscat28

  1. thanks for the insight BobP! I might give a few a try to just see how they are
  2. Has anyone ever bought balsa blanks off them?
  3. Awesome! Thank you sir! I’ll be contacting them soon. How did their gold plating turnout and last on your bladebaits?
  4. I know of Lakeland’s for blades and flutter spoons but I’m wanting to do brush spoons from a do-it mold and bladebaits. Both of which I use on Lake Erie a lot all year,especially the fall. Some days you’ll lose as high as 12 or 15. I have a powder coat that’s as good as chrome but I’ve yet to find something out there that’s like real gold.
  5. Does anyone here ever had spoons/blades gold plated? If so,what was the cost and where did you have it done?
  6. Does anyone here ever had spoons gold plated? If so,what was the cost and where did you have it done?
  7. Is there anyone else out there with fine cut "frog hair" silicone besides fishingskirts.com? with a decent color selection? Nothing wrong with fishing skirts, I just was looking for several colors they don't carry.
  8. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Plasti-Dip-11-fl-oz-Clear-Aerosol-Spray-Coating/3760699?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA_ONLY-_-Paint-_-SprayPaint-_-3760699:Plasti_Dip&CAWELAID=&kpid=3760699&CAGPSPN=pla&k_clickID=4b5c9464-5332-4bd1-9d76-6ac4f4174e23&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-LOTxLjw2wIV1LXACh00CAYJEAQYASABEgJXs_D_BwE This stuff works great!
  9. I had a bunch (over 250) from jigs. They're just a plain jig rattle,the smaller type not the huge type. The rattles get placed in the mold and the lead adheres and connect it to the tube head itself. Just make sure you use good clean lead and you heat the mold up to get complete pours with the rattles.
  10. thanks guys! I"m going to give it a try soon. I'll let you know how it works out!
  11. I've got one, it pours great!
  12. I want to start mixing pearl pigments and flake with intercoat. A few questions since I don’t know much about it. What ratios are best? What’s a good intercoat brand? Are there any more hazards to using it than urethane based paints (I mostly use water based but just started using urethane based paints) any info would be much appreciated!
  13. Thanks JLS! I’ll give the ladle pour a go. I hear mine up with a heat gun which makes it hotter than blank pours usually. I also have a lid for my pot that covects heat to my molds nicely. I warm them that way often. I do usually heat my hooks,pins,and wire gently as not to overheat the hooks and ruin them. This mold does seem like it’s make a nice chatterbaits mold by beefing up the wire to a .51 gauge.
  14. I’m having issues getting it to pour all the way. Has anyone had this issue? I’ve poured thousands of jigs,poured plenty of spinnerbaits and buzzbaits with other molds without an issue. I am spout pouring with a lee 4 pot which I’ve done on spinnerbaits before. It’s gett frustrating as I’ve wasted about 20 piano wire forms and owner hooks. Would it be better going the route of ladle pouring the lead? Keep in mine I pre heat the mold with a heat gun and my pot is around 7.5-8 on heat. Any ideas or helpful advice?
  15. I have shaken it a lot. Seems to shoot better with paint I bought off eBay or boss paints. I think I’ve narrowed it down the netcraft powder paint being the issue
  16. I have tried turning up the pressure to the point it’s at 30psi (at that point when it comes out it’ll be a plume of smoke lol). I have a moisture trap on my compressor (I airbrush automotive and c-tex paints) and I know I don’t have moisture in my powder paint. I’ve had that happen before and it becomes heavier than flour consistency and usually lumpy. I was suggested keeping the filler jar half full to less than half full. I might have to try using a new feed tube.
  17. I know this is a bit of an old thread but I'm having issues with my gun I got from TJ's. I was curious if any of you might have had similar issues and resolved them. I thought having this gun would make coating wire baits and blades much easier. I've been spraying from 3-10psi and can't seem to keep the feed tube from clogging constantly and get get a steady stream or flow of powder to finish even one bait. Any ideas?
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