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Everything posted by castncall

  1. The way I make my pattens is take the lure you ar using ad free hand the pettern on the bait its self then when the mold is finished trace on the plastic with a fine point sharpie so u alread have the pattern and then its a lot easier to cut it out, just my 2 cents its not perfect but it has worked for me
  2. I had the same problem on 2 differant times. I have came to the conclusion it was one of 2 things first I didn't let the bait dry or heat dry properly on all coat so it pulled mosture from the bottom coat causing this, the other thing is humitdity I think it had something to do with it when it first happened but not for sure. I have painted with createx for over 5 yrs but using some wcked colors now and it hasn't happened to me again " knock on wood" bc it sucks once you get done and it looks good you dip and walk out of the room and come back and yhea I might have cried a little when it happened to me but hopefully I got it al out over thepast 5 yrs
  3. I have purchased 2,4, and 6 in the 1000 count from shortys but I tried to reorder and they said they had to go up on there prices so now for a 1000 count size 4s are arund 120 but still a good deal I sell 100 for 20 dllars to a few guys around here and it help pays for them but there old prices sure was a lot better!
  4. Well I got mine Friday and finally got to try it tonight, and all I can say is wow! What is the down side? Mine cured in under 3 min in tanning bed, done 10 baits tonight ready to sell tomorrow! This stuff is awsome! Well I got mine Friday and finally got to try it tonight, and all I can say is wow! What is the down side? Mine cured in under 3 min in tanning bed, done 10 baits tonight ready to sell tomorrow! This stuff is awsome! Well I got mine Friday and finally got to try it tonight, and all I can say is wow! What is the down side? Mine cured in under 3 min in tanning bed, done 10 baits tonight ready to sell tomorrow! This stuff is awsome!
  5. finally got mine ordered yesterday, we will see if I can swing it in a tanning bed without getting killed by the wife, has anyone tried to use this on soft plastic? I have painted some big swims for a guy but the clear I use never hardens on it had it hanggin for 3 months and still sticky to the touch!
  6. I had the same problem and it still comes and goes, if I get in a hurry and dont dry over night before painting I think it gets water trapped unde and the clear coat draws it out making it look like it peels. Hope it helps still using org createx myself but looking at tring some auto air.
  7. Thanks for the info about the drip, shoul be ordering this Friday thanks for all the help!
  8. I replaced the tip and needle when I purchaced the new one, I emailed TCP about the newone now has a bad air leak around the air adjustment screw. Hopeing to hear something back from them soon I got a few orders to get out this week and it sucks not figuring this out. what pressure do you guys run? my old compressor only went to 30 lbs just wondering what you all think? new one cuts on at 45lb and cuts off at 55 lbs.
  9. I will be getting some this week for sure! Thanks guys!
  10. WHat about yellowing? has anyone had it happen yet?
  11. Thanks Nathan, I told her about this might happen about two weeks ago so last night she asked " do you have baits in my tanning bed?" I told her not yet but maybe soon! I will be dipping I reade you take the tip of the drip off before coating how long wopuld you let them hang before you know it wont drip any more? this is the only thing I am woried about with the tanning bed?
  12. Ok guys been fallowing this for a while now and really thinking about it but a few questions. First what if you placed them in a tanning bed to cure? I know my wife would kill me but hey would it work? second I do alot of KO painting what about clearing the bill has anyone doe the bill yet? thanks
  13. It ended up being a bad regulator on the new compressor. Just a few more questions? I have let both guns in a acitone bath and cleaned good alot of things came out but something is still a miss the old gun still sounds like it is squrting and the new one is getting air back into the bowl? I have put them back in thee bath how long should they soak? how do you whip them out if not using qtips?
  14. Ok guys and gals thanks for al the help, figured out I think the pulse was cming from the piston hitting in my compresor, bought a new compresor with a 3 lt tank got it put together and now my tank will not build up pressure! I just can not win! Got baits to paint any more ideals?
  15. I do use qtips to clean, why is that a problem? I have been using the same brush for 3 yrs and this has never happened to me before? I got my new in line water seperator goin to try it we will see how it goes and let you all know
  16. I do have one seperator coming out of my tank with gauge on it, purchaced another to go right under gun. I am hoping this helps? I have never had a problem with the paint I use in the past four years but it is possable I guess? I don't think its the paint is to thick, because it is almost like it sprays fine until it builds up on the end of my needle then spits with light spray with dark paint shootin thru as splater
  17. swapped the tip out on the old one and bam it painted perfect, then it went south again. It is still pushing paint but it looks, I guess like splatter again it spraying right but shoots darker splater while it spraying the way its suppost too?
  18. So I have been workin on them again, my old brush will spary water but is arradic air? If that makes sence? My new gun will not spray water at first then will? tryed running paint thru it and it sprays but looks like crap, its like splater painting? almost like it is blowing puddles off the neddle? tried turning down air and still did it? tried thiker paint same thing? thinner paint same.
  19. Hello all, I could not ever get signed on under my other name so here I am again. I have been painting for over four years and have became ok at it. The past few weeks I have been having a problem with my brush splatering on me and after doing everything I could think of I gave in and bought a new brush that does the same thing. Tonight it started sounding like a mechine gun or rapid fire? any ideals? it is blowing air back in the bowl when it does this? I though it might be a bad gun but why is it doing it with a new gun? Thanks for any and all help!
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