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Everything posted by kajay920

  1. That is so cool! Not many rattle snakes up in these parts, I thought they all lived in the desert, where there are no lakes! But it looks so Sweet!
  2. kajay920

    4" Yellow Perch

    Those fins make that thing POP! Looks great.
  3. I must be spending too much time on my eyes then... I drill a 3/16" or 1/4" hole about 1/16" deep, depending on the size of the lure. I then put a background color of fingernail polish, usually white silver or gold. I then use a small dowel and place a drop of the retina color. Once the retina color shrinks out I try to add another drop to mound it up a little. I then place a drop of 5 minute epoxy in the eye socket and place on the dryer to rotate. I will occasionally outline the eye with a contrasting color if it dose not stand out well. The D2T seals the whole thing down and seems to keep the 5 minute epoxy from yellowing. Time will tell.
  4. I used to drill a hole about 1/8" deep while it was still in block form. I got tired of that because I either had to stop and re-drill as I was shaping or I would over drill and one hole would be too deep. Now I just use a set of inside calipers to mark where the the holes are to be drilled. This way I can also drill at the proper angle to the head. A hole square to the body does not always work right. Just a little eyeball alignment and a couple of pinches on the calipers and I have reference points to set my drill bit into.
  5. That's a fine example of skill and patience! Fabulous looking rod.
  6. kajay920


    I tried a bait with a flip up hook based on a Sebile lure I saw a couple of years ago. I used the groove in the tail idea mentioned above and the hook has a bend in the shaft that holds it in alignment. There is a pin epoxied in to hold the hook from pivoting too far down. The hook seems to be weedless but the deep diving bib I put on this one catches ALL of the weeds. I think if it were made into a top water system it would work pretty well. With a frog body there would be plenty of space to add two hooks. There is a picture of it in my gallery. Forgive the no paint skills on this one. It was the early days.
  7. kajay920

    43" Barracuda

    This thing followed my lure back to the boat twice but wouldn't touch it. Caught it on a live herring.
  8. May your lures run true and slam many fish for 2014!
  9. We had some holes in the ice earlier this month. I tossed it a few times. The hardwood being more dense casts very well and has a fairly quick sink. The metal bill makes it go nose down and looks real good. It has a gentle wiggle as long as you keep it moving. The sealer and topcoat have to be spot on because all of the end grain and glue joints will blow quick I'm sure.
  10. I've started making a few lures out of different species of wood it takes a lot of time but has a unique effect. Here is a basic one of stacked maple and walnut with a hickory belly.
  11. I think you did a fine job. I'd like to try a photo finish someday, not sure I've got what it takes.
  12. kajay920

    1st Craw pattern

    I like the yellow look. Nice paint
  13. I love the originality and detail. this is my top pick!
  14. kajay920


    I like the back one best. Good work.
  15. kajay920


    I love the scale pattern and color scheme. Is is carved too?
  16. kajay920


    That thing is great! How fragile are the front legs?
  17. kajay920

    No paint #3

    I've seen your work Mark, that means a lot. Thank you.
  18. kajay920

    "scatter lip" crank

    I am definately that. This is not my first lure, I've been playing with them for a few years now. But since finding TU my quality has improved. I even had some of this stuff shipped to me while deployed overseas.
  19. kajay920

    No paint #3

    Purpleheart, beech, and padauk make the body of this all wood lure. The eyes are from a dowel with a padauk iris. Carved gills, fins and scales. The black dots are made by burnishing the natural oils of the purpleheart.
  20. kajay920

    "scatter lip" crank

    My first go at a few things. First PVC bait, (thanks Ben) First try at bending the lip (TU forum topic) My first shrink fit stencil (TU forum topic) and my first airbrush job and a new homemade foil eyes. D2T turned and dried on my homemade drying rack made from a disco ball motor. The folks here at TU really give a guy a lot of confidence to try new things. Thanks all, Keith
  21. kajay920

    No paint #3

    Here is the next in my series of natural wood lures. This one is Purpleheart, padauk, and beech and a mystery wood for the eyes which are a shaped dowel with a padauk iris. The fins are carved separately and applied after shaping. Carved mouth, gills and individual scales. Finished of with a spinner bib. It was horrible to get a good picture of. Hope you enjoy!
  22. kajay920

    Wild Thing

    Very nice. Is that a stenciled airbrush or a marbled effect?
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