my name is mike Wilson- I live in Starkville, Mississippi- I enjoy painting baits and fishing with something of my own- I do sell a few baits,however I am not in the bait making business, I am in the bait painting business- not really in this to make a living(too many out there who are pretty handy with an airbrush) more to cover my obsession- I enjoy trying to make something look exactly as it is in nature( although that has not been done yet, and probably never will be by me anyway)- but at the same time there is a lot to be said for painting those baits that catch the fishermans eye too- after all, if he thinks he can catch a fish on it he probably can- with that being said, I will head to my table and paint some more- I have been doing this long enough to make a lot of mistakes and learn from them while also figuring out how to solve problems you run into and don't know exactly what caused them- all of which I will be happy to share with anyone here- however, most of the time I find my problem is impatience- when in doubt let it dry for a day!!
mike <::><