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About jcori3

  • Birthday 12/23/1975

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    fort worth tx

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  1. Removes dirt, rust, any contaminates. The wd40 will remove rust stains from the bait that the hooks leave on them.
  2. Try dollar general or dollar tree. Buy the kids plastic butterfly net. For me the holes are perfect. Not to big and not to small. Hope this helps.
  3. I put lures in a plastic bowl and hose down with wd40. Let sit a few days and take a tooth brush to them. Then I run hot water in the sink with dawn dish soap and let them soak and take a toothbrush to them. They come out nice and clean. Sand and scuff and shoot paint.
  4. Thanks for the replies guys, I will look into it. I only use a couple of the Aztec paints. I will try a topcoat and then dip and see if that works. I’ll also look into the Aztec clear coats as well.
  5. Noticed after dipping some lures painted with the testers Aztec paint that the paint was running, I have also tried waiting 24 hours before I dip. Anyone else having the same problem with certain paints reacting with the kbs? Also is there a clear gloss I can spray over the lure to seal before I dip to keep color from running.
  6. jcori3

    e-tex lite

    Another product to try would be alumilite uv cure. You would have to build a light box and get set up but I believe you can have a lure dipped and ready to put hooks on it in about 30 min. I’m sure some on here have used it maybe they can chime in with more info.
  7. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    Ok everyone I just wanted to drop in and give an update. Got a fresh new can of kbs from the kbs company directly. I want to let everyone know that kbs did a wonderful job on my situation. They were very polite and helpful in fixing my issues of getting two bad cans from a retail store. They sent out a new can for me at no cost and then contacted me a few days later to make sure all was good. It’s nice to still see great customer service is still out there. I still had problems with the kbs pooling up at the tail of the bait after dipping it with a wire. I also had the wire on the tail but it still wanted to pool up and leave small bubbles on the tail. I did thin the kbs with xylene by 20%. Thinning it made a difference. I found for me to produce a perfect bait was to dip bait, while holding it by the wire on the nose and letting it drip till the drips pretty much stop I take a pair of hemostats and snap on to the belly hook hanger and put it on the turner. No more pooling up on the tail and no more bubbles. By the way bubbles only form when the kbs pools up, I have done several baits now that are bubble free and look amazing. Last I want to thank 21xdc! He has been very helpful with helping me with advice and answering questions I had going into this switchover. Getting to know him has been an absolute pleasure! I consider him a good friend. Maybe this will help others out when or if they switch over to kbs.
  8. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    Got new can in and it’s clear, definitely a better product. Another question is after you dip bait and hang to dry when do you take the tail hanger wire out?
  9. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    Update!! took first can back to summit racing and they gave me a new can with a different lot number with no hassle at all. Got home opened up second can and exactly the same as first. Emailed kbs directly and sent pics of product, lid of can, and baits I had dipped and had a yellowish tint on the white bellies. They replied back and said product was no good!!! Do not use!! They are sending me a new can at no charge. So we will see how new can is. I’ll update when I get new can.
  10. I use the plastic multi colored cheap brushes from hobby lobby, they have the black plastic bristles.
  11. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    So I took the kbs back, got a new can with a different lot number. Same thing, destroyed the lid getting it off. Put in mason jar. Still very yellow. Also yellow enough so that I can see it on white belly of bait. Still wanted to pool up on back end of bait. I took a brush and smoothed it out . How long does it need to cure before putting hooks on it to test out?
  12. When I used it I mixed it for 5 min, be sure your two parts are equal. After mixing let sit for 10 min for bubbles to pop and thicken up a bit. Brush it on, you will need a lure turner as it will want to sag. Hope this helps.
  13. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    I’m taking it back to get another can to try. I though something was wrong when I first went to open it I had to damn near cut the lid off. It just didn’t pop off like a can of paint does. I destroyed the lid getting it off but didn’t matter since I poured it into a mason jar.
  14. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    21xdc have you had any problems with it pooling up on the bottoms of your baits?
  15. jcori3

    Help with KBS

    This is definitely not clear, it’s flat out yellow.
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