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Everything posted by rhersh

  1. In my opinion and remember that my opinion does not mean much. I started with a harbor freight brush then a cheap paasche, then a neo and finally an iwata. They all will work but since I got the iwata I don't touch the others unless I am trying a thicker paint not made for airbrushing. My iwata has the .03 needle and some times the thicker paints just will not shoot through the iwata with out over thining or I just don't want to. lol Like I said just my opinion.
  2. I have seen something like this on tv if I get the gist of what you are talking about, only it was for working on cars and other projects that you need machine work for. They would let you come in for a minamum fee and supply all tools, machines and assistance if needed. The machines were cnc, lathes and so on. I just wish i could remember what the show snipet was called so I could go back and look it up. It was a neat concept.
  3. I just seen on another thread that he said on facebook that he is updating his site and would be back up after that. Hope it is true.
  4. I just tried his site out and it says closed for business. I was on it a week or so ago and it worked. So I have to assume that he gave it up. I used to have his e-mail address but cannot find it now. To bad he was great to deal with.
  5. rhersh

    6 inch Sex shad 4

    Mark! What do you use for the tail?
  6. Love the color and the look. Nice.
  7. Dakota lakes tackle great to deal with. Never had a problem with him.
  8. I bought the blaster for another project but have not bought the conversion for soda blasting yet. Sorry didn't mean to mislead. I'm not sure what media to use for the baits. Sorry for the confusion.
  9. I bought a blasting kit like the one from eastwood shown on here from harbor freight. I could buy parts to convert it to soda blaster and it was cheaper than the one from eastwood. It is not a top of the line blaster but it works.
  10. rhersh


    I just found your other thread on this. I did do a search for this before I started this tread and found nothing on it. Sorry for making a double thread on the same subject.
  11. rhersh


    I just check out their web site. They are proud of the stuff and I realize that it is not cheap to develop things. They have a bottle .25 lb for $19.00 and a 2 lb. can that looks to be 1Qt. for $90.00. I guess I have to wait and see how it works for others and I get back to doing more painting before I can justify it for myself. LOL
  12. rhersh


    Okay! I don't know how to put the link on here, so just go to youtube and search alumi-uv and it will come up.
  13. rhersh


    Has anyone tried this product? I just seen it on youtube and was curious. Here is the youtube site, you can copy and paste it I don't know how else to put it up on here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OavCzT6Z&feature=em-subs_digestRik
  14. You can use enamel or almost anything else over lacquer, but not lacquer over enamel. I learned this many years ago painting cars. Can't remember exactly why, but think it has to do with dry times of chemicals in the paints. Hope this helps some.
  15. A lot of successfully buissness men-women had a lot of failures before they made it successful. Good luck with your adventure, don't give up.
  16. pux! Thank's for the post and to the guy's for the responses. It helped me to a question that I didn't even know I had. LOL
  17. Lure Company---------Check out this post too. Has some more good info for you.
  18. If it is a true new design try taking it to one of the big company's to see if they would be interested or willing to pick it up. Save you the headache,s of all that goes with it. Either sell it to them or take royalty,s on it.
  19. rhersh


    I really like the colors and paint job on this baitl Nice. Royce
  20. Looks awful expensive for my cheap A___ but is really cool looking. Have the same questions about it as everyone else. But the open gearing would be easy to wash out.
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