I first dipped in Solarez then buffed on a polishing/grinding wheel and that looked fairly good but as described above there was a good bit of haze built up at the tail of the bait which required extra buffing. Doing this worked fine but it would leave the bill of the lure with a blueish haze no matter the amount of buffing. I moved to brushing it on and this helped in getting a good thin coat all over without getting it on the bill. After curing the brushed on solarez I dip the whole thing in concrete sealer, bill and all, and it gives the Solarez a wet glossy look while also glossing out the bill getting rid of all the little scratches and scuffs.
Before I picked up the grinder I tried a dremmel with a felt wheel on the slowest speed and it would sort of burn/melt the solarez no matter how careful I was to keep the wheel moving.