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Everything posted by Inrll

  1. Inrll

    20140209 095902

    Thanks guys! Wolfewiz it's a rapala dt10 knockoff.
  2. Inrll

    20140209 095902

    I've done several different versions of sunfish using a few different techniques. This one just hit me yesterday afternoon so I gave it a whirl. I ended up using 7 different colors. This lure is my 2nd one using GST as a topcoat and I guess I didn't quite heat set the paint all the way because it wrinkled up a little. All in all I'm pretty happy with this pattern and my try to repeat it (minus the wrinkles) on some shallow diving squarebills.
  3. VERY NICE! What size are they? Have you taken any video of one in action?
  4. Inrll

    golden shiner

    I really like this one! Very natural looking.
  5. Inrll


    Nice clean paint job man! I think, for a shad pattern, it has a just enough color without being over the top.
  6. Inrll


    Nailed it man! I have actually seen a few wild koi in a creek I fish. They are in the 3-4 lb range usually.
  7. Inrll

    2014 01 20 17.47.12

    PM me your address man!
  8. Inrll

    IMG 20131212 111354

    Haha I didnt want to say anything but those dirty bird lures I could do without!
  9. Inrll

    2014 01 20 17.47.12

    Thanks fellas. They were a lot of fun.
  10. Inrll

    2014 01 20 17.47.12

    These are my first true pair being painted at the same time. I was going for a fairly realistic look with these and I think I got close. The only thing I would change might be just a little yellow down the sides. What do you all think?
  11. Inrll

    IMG 20131212 111354

    GO CATS! Nice job on those. Where are you from? I'm in northern KY.
  12. I mix mine right in the airbrush cup. I can get my color where I want most of the time if not an extra drop or two of paint can get it right on target. Having said that I have started mixing a couple common colors, like bass green, in those little condiment cups and so far, with the lid on, they have not dried.
  13. Inrll

    Blue Marlin

    Thanks Reelentless.
  14. Inrll

    Blue Marlin

    I was going for a blue marlin look and I think it came out fairly well. I cure my Solarez in the sun so no top coat until tomorrow.
  15. Inrll

    Uv Cured Epoxy

    If you do end up with any of the white haze it can easily be polished out with a grinder/polishing wheel. I use Solarez and hit every lure with the polishing wheel for a super glossy (for Solarez) finish. It only takes about 30 seconds to a minute per lure.
  16. I can't compare Solarez to anything else because I've never used anything else but I DO know that a double dip of Solarez is much, much stronger than a factory finish on any crank/stickbait I've ever used.
  17. Inrll

    Jerkbaits downsized

    I went with a simple green over foil on the top one and got a little fancy with some "snowglobe" nail polish on the back of the ghost pattern then a dark blue to blue scale pattern over that.
  18. I threw everything out the window and tried entirely new techniques on these. I was going for a Spotted Bass and a Juvenile smallmouth. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you look at it) I'm very familiar with the lighter colors of some of the baby smallies as thats about all I catch LOL.
  19. I looked that stuff up and WOW I could deffinetily see that being very useful for some extra flash. Thanks for bringing that up! I'll picking some up soon.
  20. Inrll

    jerk bait

    First ever painted lure? Dude you killed it! Way to go!
  21. WOW that is one of the most impressive lure carvings I've ever seen! It looks so good already I would almost be afraid to paint it. Great job!!!
  22. Inrll

    Summer Gills

    I really like those colors. The subtle blends and stripes are perfect. Nice job!
  23. I use a bench grinder with a buffing wheel. I bought it used at the local flea market for $20. I also picked up some white polishing compound (for polishing plastics) at Harbor Freight. Now whether I get the hazed surface or not I can spend about a minute buffing the lure and it comes out super glossy!
  24. Inrll

    Heavy Jerk Carp

    Dude you truly nailed the scale pattern!
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