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Everything posted by Baitjunkys

  1. Baitjunkys


    If your scent is plasticizer based it surely will absorb.
  2. Im not gonna,give the recipe. but I will tell you 20 to 1 purple to blue. The recipe is for large qty.
  3. mix your color in some worm oil or softner it will weaken it up. put 1 drop in say 10 drops of wo, then drop that 1 drop at a time to achieve your smoke.
  4. dont forget your looking at a hollow bait under camera lighting. its gonna play tricks on the eyes. drop one drop of black in about 10 drops of worm oil. mix and drop from there.
  5. I have zooms actual recipe. I promise you it does not have violet in it. This is not a recipe I devised, it is a recipe right out of one of there producers books. Blue and purple is all you need.
  6. Here is the main one in Question. Even with the free family legal services, Only reason to let a patent expire, Is because you cant enforce it for some reason... https://patents.google.com/patent/US7484327B2/en
  7. hawg it out with a dremel. just stay away from the actual gate. then use a file on that.
  8. Believe it or not, I cut back my venting on a stick bait mold, and it dented like a sob. I went back to the .375 spacing on the vents and it cured it. Same exact gate. To answer your question tho, A small jewlers round file works best for me.
  9. Honestly, as mold makers, That's all most people want to buy is copys of commercial stuff, Want to copy colors, Some even copy the packaging. The only way we mold makers stay in business, Is selling stuff that has parts or pieces copied, Occasionally we can sell our own design.
  10. Id dip it as fast as you can imo.
  11. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cmpages/bubbles.php?clickkey=3028012
  12. Thanks for the Email BH, I would check with Josh At Anglin Ai as well, He has done them before as well. I have yet to see anyone else besides Bob pull it off. Leonard
  13. http://www.tackleunderground.com/tu_classifieds/_/for-sale/economy-2-color-injecting-system-r1608
  14. Was designed for mass production and longevity. Lot of liability to go along with it as well. Leonard
  15. I think If you get as much air as possible out of your bag as well will prolong its life. To add.
  16. Sorry, Guess I misinterpreted it. LOL
  17. And to be fair, You could 40x your out put, problem free with a real injection machine as well. Were does one stop?
  18. Most guys hand-pouring don't own a shooting star, Nor have desire to invest 1300.00...
  19. Try to pour as cold as you can, this will help salt suspend as well...
  20. This Is very true, Im glad you held out and did not go thru the hassle disputing tho. I guess I set the bar high for other guys. advertising my time frame.
  21. If it was me, I would cut the plastic in half as said, trim it down, and fill the pyrex with silicone, Push the plastic down in it, Now you got a silicone divided cup..
  22. There is pthalate free plastizers.so that is inacurate, tho they can be added back in via colorant etc, if it is no pthalate free. Esbo Eso etc is a dop dinp substitute, which can and is used as worm oil, softner etc. But it is not a essential oil.
  23. Roasting a company on social media and internet forums because you have to wait for quality is equally rediculous do you not agree? Im not defending bobs practices, but I have never, ever, seen anyone not get there stuff from bob. let alone done anything to ever be called a thief... just my .02 cents... Oh, a month is a large difference then 16 days as well.
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