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Everything posted by DingerBaits

  1. After only being in business 7 months I can tell that it is a rough industry. Even after the ridiculous amount of sales through my company and a great start to the year in sales the tackle industry is harsh. I love doing it, for me it's not really about the money, it is more about the relationships and people you meet along the way. I work a full time job and run my business officially as an LLC putting in almost 80 hours a week. I just look at my company as my "possible" retirement fund
  2. I use #6 Short shank on mine and they do well. Using Etex
  3. Sorry joe, I do not know of anyone who has those.
  4. I will also have those up tomorrow night.
  5. I should have them on the site tomorrow night (the medium divers)
  6. Molds overseas costs anywhere from 1500-2500 in general (from what I have seen). You aren't just paying for the mold, you are paying for all of the time it takes to do the CAD work also.
  7. A quick dip in acetone work pretty well to clean up the plastic. Soap may leave some deposits on them.
  8. I don't see a picture. Which wake bait is it?
  9. I made a very inexpensive soda blaster out of a air nozzle, some clear tubing, box of baking soda and a compressor. Worked wonders.
  10. American make KO's are hard to come by. Legal issues.
  11. We sell some decent blanks on our site too. A few some other people don't carry. Dinger Custom Baits LLC. I can't knock any of the other guys who sell blanks, each have their good ones.
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