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bigtexbaits last won the day on May 16 2013

bigtexbaits had the most liked content!

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  1. Yes took watermelon and chartreuse and they swirled like that
  2. here are a few examples of the stuff icame up with
  3. just made a divider for my cup put the jb weld on just wondering how long it will take before i can start pouring swirls
  4. https://facebook.com/BigTexBaits sorry bout that
  5. brand new to this forum but my company Big Tex Baits is doing a lure giveaway for likes on facebook we need 25 to gain some publicity and one lucky person will recieve 20 free hand poured baits compliments of big tex baits... just so everyone knows just started have a lot of stuff not a lot of pics in business for 2 months so like on facebook
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