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Curt - NC

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Curt - NC last won the day on May 15 2022

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About Curt - NC

  • Birthday 07/05/1962

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  • Location
    NC (USA)
  • Interests
    God, Bass Fishing, Catching bass on lures I make

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  1. Hey gang, just wanted to post a quick update to let everyone know that I will no longer be functioning as the Admin here at TU, effective immediately. Stay well!
  2. As far as I know there will be no contest this year.
  3. Curt - NC


    Les, please flag/report the actual SPAM post. That makes it easy for me to pinpoint it and remove it quickly. Thanks!
  4. Curt - NC


    IP addresses (and email addresses) are flagged when a person is banned for spamming. Many of these people are using a VPN to hide their IP address and location, so they can slip through again and continue to SPAM using a different email address.
  5. Curt - NC


    SPAM is a never-ending battle. The best thing that can be done is for any of you who see it to flag/report it immediately. When you do that, we (the admin and moderators get notified. Sometimes we get to it right away. Other times, if we are busy, it might take a while before it gets cleaned up. TU is not a drifting ship. We are still here. But sometimes life happens and the cleanup isn't quite as speedy as we would all like it to be Bear with us and we will get it taken care of as quickly as we can!
  6. FYI, all of the prizes for the contest winners were emailed out earlier this week. Everyone who won should have received their gift certificate via email. If you didn't see it come in, please check your SPAM folder. Thanks
  7. I still need contact info for the following winners! @Buckhorn @JP Custom spinner baits @AngelExtremadura @Fish Girl @Envision fly works @Chris Reed Please get your info to me ASAP!!
  8. @Shawn Freeman @Buckhorn @Terry Morgan @Nimmer Swimmer Musky Lures @Matt Thayer - RI @danthefisherman @JP Custom spinner baits @AngelExtremadura @Chrishill01 @Mr.RPG @Napasavag3 @Fish Girl @St. Maries flies @Brian7394 @Envision fly works @Chris Reed @Shannon Hall @Pearson Custom I need all of the contest winners to please send me a PM with all of the following info: Full Name Email Address State/City/Province This info will be used to get your gift certificate to you! Please do not post your personal info here in this thread. Send it to me in a PM (Private Message). Thank you!
  9. Here are the winners of the 2022 Coolest Lure Contest! As always, judging this and choosing winners was very difficult. The talent in these entries is off the charts. Congratulations to the winners. If you are listed here as a winner, please send me a PM with your full name, email address and the state/city/province in which you reside, so we can get your prizes over to you! Best Custom Painted Hardbait 1 - Shawn Freeman - Bluegill - 2 - Buckhorn - Yellow Perch - 3 - Terry Morgan - Trout Swimbait - Best Homemade Hardbait 1 - Nimmer Swimmer Musky Lures - Turtle Topwater Crawler - 2 - Matt Thayer - RI - Chevron pattern Red and White Cedar 2pc "Skitterwake" - 3 - danthefisherman - Tracer Trout - Best Wire Bait 1 - JP Custom spinner baits - Triple Arm Spinnerbait - 2 - AngelExtremadura - Bladed Jig - 3 - Chrishill01 - Bucktail Jigs - Best Soft Plastic Bait 1 - Mr.RPG - Soft Jerkbait - 2 - Napasavag3 - Parrot Fish - 3 - Fish Girl - Flipping/Creature Bait - Best Fly 1 - St. Maries Flies - Lizard - 2 - Brian7394 - Perch Fly - 3 - Envision Fly Works - Duck - Best Rod/Reel 1 - Chris Reed - Custom Sea Hawks Fly Rod - 2 - Shannon Hall - Custom Casting Rod - 3 - Pearson Custom - Chess Rod & Reel -
  10. The contest has ended and entries with multiple photos have been cleaned up.
  11. The contest has now ended! Thank you for your submissions. Judging will now begin and I will post the winners at the end of the judging period.
  12. Here you go. https://www.tackleunderground.com/contest-pages/contest-rules/
  13. I'm not at all surprised either. It's the same thing every year. I expect it, but that doesn't make it any less of a nuisance.
  14. Well, here we go again. Some people are just plain not reading the rules, and are submitting multiple photos for a single bait. Let me reiterate, ONLY ONE PHOTO ALLOWED PER ENTRY. I will be deleting excess photos.
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