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    SF bay area, California
  • Interests
    lure making

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  1. crease fly.. they work well
  2. "It’s basically like a string with fur coming off it." Its called "Zonker Strip"
  3. Oh yeah, its a good all around jiggy fly. easy to tie and catches a lot of fish.
  4. Sounds like your set. This fly is just deer patch. little floatier than bucktail. I add wraps of lead to make it jiggy yet not sink like a rock. the eyes are just big bead chain. I agree a little flash on them is better. hook is a size 4 tiemco tmc 200r , has a long curved shank . It is finished with UV epoxy to make it durable.
  5. post a picture of the jigs?
  6. A inexpensive fly tying vice OR a pair of vice grips and a vise , some basic tying supplies you could have a thousand of those. jig flies That version looks real easy to make. I tie these (picture) in different variations , it is sort of similar to your 'jig' takes all of 2 minutes to make. It slays crappie, bluegill. Makes a good sabiki fly also.
  7. are they drilled through for wire? any pics?
  8. robn510

    moss mouse new fixture

    these are hollow plastisol. they dont float though
  9. robn510


    Dale if you're asking about nail foils.. they use a different adhesive than the hot press foils. I own a printing shop and we use the common foils a lot on women's and kids garments. The nail foils are really much thinner and much more flexible, especially if racked, heated a bit and put into a mold and pressed. (*low temp vacuum-forming ; ) The nail adhesive also isn't the same as the common printing and embossing foil glues (which require higher application temps and preheating to adhere the foil. The nail foil adhesive is closer to sally hansens or a low tack superglue rather than the much thicker embossing foil adhesives, which imho cannot be beat for irons, vertical/speed jigs and metal lures that you can heat, it's an aggressive adhesive and very permanent when heated but probably not the best choice for already smooth surfaced cranks and swimbaits. Embossing glue is better suited for metal jigs and is common with offshore manufacturers who thin the glue to stretch its volume and to fill gaps. they also need to be able to quickly brush it onto jigs in a production heat press setting. paints? I honestly dont know how wb paints do on it, the foils have a smooth surface, they take spray paints well so i would assume it would adhere by airbrushing..but i'm not totally sure. Luckily it's cheap and readily accessible online. so why not give it a shot? Good luck brother.
  10. robn510


    might try looking into finger nail foils. They are thinner than other foils and when heated have a little stretch.
  11. i need to order some of these. I have been buying brooms at the dollar store and cutting the bristles to make weed guards. thanks for the info!
  12. robn510

    The Slip Crank

    pretty cool bait. nice job.
  13. well s__t.. guess you could have the proto made from them and then make your own mold. would still have to balance the lure but it would eliminate carving and sanding the overall shape completely even. i'm going to play with it. thanks for the link.
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