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emptystringer81 last won the day on September 24 2017

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About emptystringer81

  • Birthday 05/10/1981

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    Conroe, TX

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  1. Mine also scratched up and its not ok. Cant use it anymore. It got jammed up so bad with salt I had to hammer it back apart. I took it all apart and cleaned out tube real good even sanded with fine sandpaper, installed new o rings and It will not shoot anymore, just gets jammed up.
  2. I have tried all that everyone has said on here and I like baitjunkys plastic the best from baitplastics.com.
  3. I'm glad they are going to continue to sell baitjunkies plastic, I hate to change when I just now got everything dialed in lol.
  4. lureworks has the best colorant in my opinion.
  5. I also use worm oil, works great every 3 to 4 shots I put a few drops on the o ring and let it roll around to the bottom of o ring, Has been working good for me
  6. I personally think prismatic powder is better quality than the protec stuff and definatley cheaper, thanks for the help guys
  7. Thanks for the help smalljaw. I think what I will do is have 4 or 5 bottles of clear mixed with diff color glitter i use, and just dip it in clear top coat last
  8. I quit using a fluid bed about a year ago, I just stir up the can real good before I use it.
  9. Wonder if prismatic powder clear glitter would work good and then I could mix different color glitter in each container of clear powder paint. https://www.prismaticpowders.com/colors/PPS-2974/CLEAR-VISION/
  10. I got a few pounds of powder paint from prismatic powder paint. I got a color called green olive. if anyone is wanting to do the same. It is really close to green pumpkin . My plan is to take a bunch of small containers and add different color glitter in each one. Well the glitter isn't working well for me Its either getting swished off when I dip it or it is melting and makes jig look aweful. I tried the .008 glitter I use for pouring plastics . I remember hearing about the clear powder paint for jigs, is that easier to add glitter in to get a top coat than adding glitter in the powder paint? I did try the blue and purple pearl powder that's for soft plastics and it came out great. I just sprinkled it on jig with a paint brush while it was still hot. But when I try to do this with glitter it don't look good. Help would be appreciated.
  11. spike it only has the violet sparkle glitter in .015 size I have some. Its weird because it changes from blue green and purple when u look at it at different angles, Really neat color. But By looking at the zoom bait it just looks to me like its black with big purple glitter. Maybe even really a really dark purple colorant. Hope this helps
  12. I like the plastic I use I just thought that worm oil should last longer and not absorb in plastic so much. Ive used MF plastic and didn't like that it got super oily, I know I sound picky but just want them to be a little oily not dripping.
  13. I'm having problem with my worm oil soaking up into my plastics too fast. I add quite a bit of worm oil to each bag and scent sometimes. They look real oily but after a week or two they look really dry. Is there better worm oil to use? I want them to stay a little oily in the bags but not like dripping. Dunno if I'm doing something wrong or not. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. walleye what is the trick to taking that good of a picture of baits? I seem to really have a hard time taking pictures of baits to get all the detail to show
  15. It' like a holographic purple it looks like
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