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Everything posted by emptystringer81

  1. does bait junkys plastisol float? thinking about trying theirs
  2. Does anyone know where i can find a beaver type mold that has tenticals that are stuck to the sides of the claws that you can remove. I cant seem to find it anywhere.
  3. thanks, will have to try that, I have a 2 cavity 702 craw and a 4 cavity stick bait mold, think it would work with the stick bait mold?
  4. I have the 702 craw 2 cavity and I love it, Wished I had the 4 cavity though, did you check out the classified ads on here? there is a lot of molds for sale
  5. I have a twin injector and I'm wondering how to get a 2 color swirl look and not all mixed up where it changes the color ya know.
  6. I shot it at 315 and worked great thanks, just takes some getting used to, alot more steps but baits came out great.
  7. I need to shoot a small amount out of the divider block first before putting it into the mold?
  8. When y'all say make sure temps are the same how close they need to be, I've figured out it's very difficult to get them the same lol. They don't look bad but the edges are bleeding over a bit, wonder if plastic is too hot? I am putting divider block in toaster over like ten min or so at 200 degrees
  9. I had to go back to the bass tackle site and see whats the diff between yours and the BT unit, Im not sure what is on the top of the injector tube, I was thinking the injectors are the same as the single injectors you can buy?
  10. you built those brackets? that looks great, just like the one I got kinda, I don't see why its giving you trouble tho. I was thinking about buying just an extra injector and divider block because I already have a 3 oz BT injector, But I think it was going to be close100 bucks just for those two items
  11. Well I finally talked the wife into letting me pull the trigger on a twin injector lol. Just ordered it from bass tackle, the 3 oz. Is there anything i need to know about doing laminates with this? Ive watched videos on how they do it. Cant wait to try it out, hope it works ok with my 702 2 cavity mold, If not im sure it will work on my stick bait molds.
  12. I also have the watermelon spike-it color it looks really good. The one I have is Lure works brand made by spike-it.
  13. I was thinking it looked like regular watermelon , I have some wat orange brush hogs in the boat ill have to look at closer
  14. Thanks man, great looking bait, I dont have that color but need to get it. Im like you, like to keep it simple with less colors.
  15. Do yall have a recipe for the junebug blue color? thanks
  16. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!!!
  17. lol thank yall for the help, im looking at getting a twin injector, do yall know if the twin injector does good laminates with the 702 mold?
  18. Those look great, love that mold. I don't understand how it flows down the shoot pipe and don't swirl around, its a mystery lol
  19. Could be scent too if you use scent, something to think about
  20. Not sure if ive ever seen a top injection mold, Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't most mold all side?
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