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Everything posted by scrubs

  1. scrubs


    Thanks HH. The oversized eyes and the glitter make a really distinctive bait. bill
  2. scrubs


    Nice job, is that Krylon spray glitter? bill
  3. Thanks Ben. Much easier to use your method rather than my trying to figure the right amount. I took two tries at mechanical engineering before finishing with something easy like computer sci and math. :-) bill
  4. I was looking at Lurebuilding 101 with the idea of downsizing a jerkbait plan. The Divani VG II in the Hybrid jerkbait section caught my eye. It's roughly 5" long and 45 gms. If I go to a 3" bait the volume will be .6 x .6 x .6 or .216 of the original. So you'd think that the weight would be reduced by the same proportion or 45 x .216 = 9.7 gms. That's roughly 1/3 of an oz. which seems pretty light for a round shaped bait that's 3" long by 7/16 thick and is supposed to sit with just a bit of the back out of the water. Am I missing something here? bill
  5. scrubs

    baby bass glide

    Very nice, I love your hand painted stuff. bill
  6. Could have been any of the reasons, bad proportions, bad job of mixing or using the last bit of it. I'll need to be more careful going forward. bill
  7. I did a search on this but all I came up with is a few drops of denatured alchohol. I've been thinning with more than that and the first 4-5 baits were fine. But the last one just won't set up. I know the other thing to thin 2T is heat but I need what working time I can get. Can too much alchohol prevent setting up? I'll try another coat on the bad one. bill
  8. I once knew a vendor from another hobby who charged considerably more for shipping than it cost. His response was "I need to charge for my time & gas going to the post office". Whether they call it handling or build it in the price we pay. So all you can do is vote with your cash. bill
  9. I think the main issue has boiled down to not answering emails which in the long run will do him more harm than the customers. Maybe we should agree to disagree and leave it go. bill
  10. Thanks for the info on being able to turn Azek. Anybody tried getting some cutoffs from a local decking company? Yes I'm a cheap son of a gun. bill
  11. There is a ups - usps shipping setup so this may not have been bait & switch but as Mark says piss poor service to not communicate. bill
  12. I guess I was way off topic too but it did get you to post that great wire twisting jig idea. bill
  13. That's also happened to me a couple of times with Janns and I noticed it took a few days longer than straight USPS. But the thing that still stands out is that they never responded to his emails. If they would have simply replied with the UPS -> USPS he never would have written this. bill aka shore slug
  14. Think Azek could be turned on a lathe? Does it dull tools faster than wood? bill
  15. I'd guess that a number of the other coatings we use may be as hazardous as the GST. Quality mask and dipping outside or with strong venting couldn't hurt. bill
  16. Thanks for the heads up. That's one thing I like about buying off ebay. I've had a couple of issues where the company never responded but within a few hours after lodging an ebay complaint they agreed to correct the problems. bill
  17. Dieter, Thanks for the utube search terms, never thought of a couple of them. Too bad I only took one semester of high school German and spent most of that playing Sheepshead (Skat) in the back of the room. bill
  18. Mark, A couple of newbie questions. As far as centering the ballast on the hook hangar, do you use a standard percentage back for the front hangar? Or do you feel maybe it's the treble's water resistance that may cause this? When you say a thinner lip I assume you mean material thickness or did you mean narrower? Thanks, bill
  19. scrubs

    Jerks #2

    Glad to know I'm not the only one :-) BTW, the tinsel is a piece of 1/32 wire with an L bend at the rear and a small bead. Makes the tinsel flare and holds it in place. Left long and glued into a hole (obviously).
  20. Thanks for the info. Never thought of not finishing the loop while testing. bill
  21. Littleriver, Haven't swum either yet except in the tub. Club I fish with cancelled our Muskie trip for tomorrow. Rats. Dieter, I dinged the lip on the bottom one while installing the screw eye. So I installed some copper shim stock. I think I oriented the grain wrong. It seems more sensitive to chips vertically. A silicone skirt would be neat. I was going to do a flap tail like yours on both lures. But then I saw some Muskie lures where the rear hook had a hank of flash sticking out in both directions and I thought why not. Will still do a flap tail on the top one. http://ricksmuskybaitbuilding.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2013-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&updated-max=2014-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&max-results=8 bill
  22. scrubs

    Jerks #2

    Thanks guys. I cheated on the fade on the top one it's a light spray dusting. The thing that doesn't show well is how it looks metallic over silver. Suprised you two liked the mottled one, I was kind of critical of it. Haven't had a chance to test yet except in the bathtub. Frau freaks when I play with lures in the tub. Too much water ... ah the arid southwest. :-/
  23. I've tried doubles like Ben mentioned and singles but mostly on spoons and spinners. Also tried singles on countdown Rapalas for Lake Michigan. Didn't notice too much difference in hookups with the doubles but my experiments with singles didn't fare as well. bill
  24. Made up a couple of the #2 jerkbaits from the link Dieter posted. I like the look of the ultra simple impressionistic trout top one. Bottom one has Reinke flash. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/gallery/image/12009-jerks-2/ bill
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