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Everything posted by scrubs

  1. Actually if I'd get a Muskie that size he can bend the wire all he wants! bill
  2. Guess I'll wait on your field reports then before ordering mine. Hope it works. bill
  3. Littleriver, No worries about the drawing, it fills in a lot about the cross section shape. Pics fill in the rest. Diemai, Your right about making old baits and coming up with something just a little different. bill
  4. The main reason I wanted satin was to use it for it's intended purpose in case it's a dud on lures. bill
  5. Are you sure they're not referring to specks or sea trout? His being from Florida that's what I'd guess. Although you never know. I was in Lincoln City OR last week and these tiny little salmon and trout parr would hit spinners half their size. 4-5" parr on homemade #3 Mepps. bill
  6. Thaks for the pics it makes the shape much clearer especially the top view. How long is the body? The web links seem to show 3 sizes. It doesn't appear to be sitting very deeply in the water. I'd be tempted to use a lighter wood like Poplar and add weight. bill
  7. I'm going to try the Eagle brand from Home Depot since there's no Menards within 3 states. I was hoping for a satin but they carry high gloss only. bill
  8. Let us know when you post pics of your results not to mention how it swims. I'm liking the rear bladed prop bait. I can understand why the lure collectors don't release dimensions but it would be nice to do some repro lures without so much guessing. bill
  9. Just spent a week in Lincoln CIty OR. It was the very beginning of the Chinook run and everyone was using single bladed "blue fox" style spinners. What surprised me was how light they were for about a #5 blade. They were using a keel weight ahead to get casting distance. I only had smaller spinners and lures which attracted only parr. bill
  10. Thanks for your input Bob much appreciated. Best rod I had for the purpose was a Cabelas 2 piece steelhead for 1/4 to 1 1/4 lures. Lots of backbone. Didn't think I'd be using it so it didn't go along on the last move. bill
  11. I'm guessing they would Mark. Seems to me I've seen some vintage spinners that used them. Pflueger made a double spinner that used props and a feather tail. Was unweighted tho. bill
  12. A quick question about double blades on inline spinners. I generally use Mepps single blades and follow the guidelines on Janns Netcraft for weight, 1/3 oz for a #4 Mepps and 1/2 oz for the Mepps #5 blade. The idea of the double blades interests me, what size Colorado and Indiana blades do you use on double spinners of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 oz? These are intended for pike and light musky fishing. thanks in advance, bill
  13. Ok, I should have been clearer, I need an edit button. If anyone is long rod fishing in lakes off shore for the above what is your favorite rod? What lures are you throwing with it? Back on lake Michigan it was a no brainer with little weed growth and little to snag on. I'm looking at maybe a St Croix 8 1/2' 2 piece steelhead rod, Santiam 8' travel or the heavier Santiam 8 1/2' travel. Diawa also makes the 9' Acculite steelhead rod but I'd rather have a travel rod if possible. I'm guessing for lures I'm going to be restricted to spinners and shallow running lures like prop baits, Lucky 13's, Bass Orenos etc. bill
  14. Well strictly speaking no docks involved here. :-) I want to do more Pike, Musky and bass fishing here in New Mexico. Most lakes have a shallow flat that gets weedy. Would like some distance, maybe not as far as Diemai but more than I'm getting with my 7' rods. So anybody fishing 8-9' rods throwing 3/8-1 oz lures for shore fishing for these fish? It's kind of what I was doing for trout & salmon on lake Michigan back in Wisconsin. Back then I also caught some nice bass on big lures like the Topper when I was muskie fishing. So I'm figuring probably 5/8-3/4 oz lures running 0-3' down off a 8-9' rod. Anybody doing it? Lure suggestions? bill
  15. Was that the GST from Menards or one of the equivalent products from Lowes or Home Depot? bill
  16. Thanks for the FYI Moose. I have a lot of water based potential top coats so that saves me some experimenting. Think I may cruise over to home depot and lowes. Has anyone ever used dope, the stuff for model airplanes not the stuff for "recreational purposes"? My Sig Litecoat dope is dippable and I've got a quart around. It's laquer based and I use that or laquer for an anti tarnish coat on brass spinner blades and bodies. bill
  17. No Menards within 3 states of here but a quick look showed Home Depot had a similar product. Also noticed a water cleanup one. Since I'm a beginner at this ease of use trumps extreme durability. And I tend to change lures constantly so soaking in water for hours isn't a consideration. I remember Menards from when I lived in Wisconsin. Going in a store drove me nuts with their jingle constantly playing in the background, "you save big money you save big money ...". bill
  18. Nice pike Dieter. Over here in New Mexico USA the pike are considered a nusance. So bad in one lake that you can't release them but have to kill everything. What a waste. Up till a few years ago I lived in the Midwest and my favorite fishing was for smallmouth and pike in rivers. Hope you guys don't mind my bumping these threads I only joined a week ago. Great resource! bill
  19. BUMP! One thing I haven't seen mentioned mentioned about brush painting with acrylics is moistening the edge of a color to blend. I used to do decorative birds with acrylics over gesso and thin washes and or wetting the surface is used quite a bit. A web search on the technique should turn up some info. bill
  20. scrubs


    Very belated but good stuff Diemai. I was expecting a pike to explode on one of those all the way through the video. bill
  21. Thanks Dave, saves me some fooling around with it. bill
  22. Thanks for the input Bob I never thought of the light diffusion. bill
  23. Will a laser cut lexan or circuit board? Another option might be the custom laser cutting services like the balsa plane modelers use. bill
  24. Just joined TU yesterday, neat resource. I've made flies, jigs, spoons spinnerbaits and inline spinners but never plugs. Has anybody experimented withusing balsa dust to lighten resin cast lures? At about $2 per cubic ft it's worth experimenting I would think. bill
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