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Everything posted by scrubs

  1. Musky Glenn, I've got a different situation. I shore fish a rocky lake in the Southwest. Anything that runs deeper than a couple of feet hangs occasionally. Biggest year class is around 36" but fish up to 50" are there. What would you recommend in a plug around 1 - 1.5 oz that runs surface to maybe a foot down. I have to believe something with a similar action to the old Bass Oreno where it would tail wag on the surface would be killer. bill
  2. Here's a few template/instruction sites to get you going. crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf bill crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf crankbaitcarvingpatterns.pdf
  3. Now there's an idea! Not now tho, the water temp's in the 50s. bill
  4. Thanks for the additional input guys. I'm shore fishing and one of the shorelines I fish is really rocky with some sunken wood and lots of idiot mono out there. I've only lost a couple of spinners so far but wanted quick&dirty paint jobs to try. As a side note last year I saw two young guys lose nearly a dozen Rapala Husky Jerks in a morning's time. bill
  5. You're right guys, I was trying to be lazy & quick. I can get that with the nail polish Surprises me about the Believer with it being that big but changing the action anyway. bill.
  6. Nice. Good luck on your trip.
  7. Ok, really dumb question here. Is there any reason besides not scratching the paint to topcoat a plastic blank? These are 6" minnow baits for Musky. bill
  8. scrubs

    IMG 1400

    Pretty! Cherry and Butternut are my two favorite woods. bill
  9. scrubs

    IMG 20140813 172443

    Every time I see your stuff in the gallery I know it's yours immediately. So distinctive & cool. bill
  10. I've used Durham's Water Putty for molds where I wasn't pouring too many castings. A lot stronger than Plaster of Paris. Just make sure it's VERY dry before your first pours. bill
  11. scrubs


    Definitely some funky designs there Joker! The finish on your "super fly" is unreal. bill
  12. I used to do decorative bird carving as a hobby. After a while I started showing in galleries to pay for the hobby. Might want to consider starting small like that. Local shops, Ebay etc as outlets. bill
  13. Reminds me of an Alvey side cast reel I used to have. Different, but the same pivot principle. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/111403581803?lpid=82 bill
  14. Thanks, resourceful. bill
  15. Looks good. What does the dowel support use for a bearing? bill
  16. scrubs

    IMG 20140703 113820

    -It's everything it's quacked up to be. Sorry I couldn't resist. :-) Seriously looks good. bill
  17. I know they do laser cutting in balsa up to about 1/8. If you wanted to explore having them laser cut in the multiple layers and can supply a DXF file there are a lot of places like www.manzanolaser.com bill
  18. I was just cutting some soft 1/4 the other day and you have to use a fresh sharp blade on it. Even with thinner stock the model kit manufacturers had trouble with clean edges back in the day. bill
  19. It used to be used for micro RC models also. Couldn't measure the weight gain except with a 1/100 gm scale. What I was doing for awhile on my models was taking the wick out of a sharpie with some alchohol and putting that in a regular airbrush. I suspect analine dyes would work better and be cheaper in the long run. bill
  20. I was way off base on that Dieter. Ande pink was a mono I used to use years back. bill
  21. Found a square plastic peanut jar that works well too and it's clear. There's also a mouthwash jar I'm waiting on to try. Surprising how many of their baits are insect based rather than minnow based. bill
  22. I've been collecting info on UL plugs lately from British, Polish, Argentine etc websites. The stuff I'm looking at is 3/4-1 1/4" and a gram or two. So anyway I'm in the very early stages of trying to make some. The lips are tiny. Started using #00, #0 and #1 indiana spinner blades as templates. Use a pair of surgical forceps to clamp the blade to a bit of Lexan. Nippers all around to rough shape and a sanding block to finish. Works well, for that blade shape anyway. bill
  23. That's a nice fish Dieter. IS that Ande pink you're using on your reel? I used to love Ande but it's hard to get here now. billl
  24. I've been surfing the net for handmade ultralight lures and found some stuff on the Polish luremakers. Here's one guy who's making some beautiful stuff. http://www.stepanow-fishing.com/offer/wobblers-mini;en There's some on ebay also, hard to believe how little they get for the work involved. The only person in the US I've run across making them this small and nice is Whittler. bill
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