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Everything posted by scrubs

  1. scrubs

    Old School

    Looks great Ben. That seamless foil pattern looks cool but it must have been a major pain. COuld you have foiled first then masked? bill
  2. scrubs


    I can see why Vic likes it so much. Really nice job. bill
  3. They definitely are sticking out and fairly thick. With the big foot it probably kicks pretty well. how about thin closed cell foam and trying to figure out how to get that foot angle. bill
  4. Ran across something in a book called Hot Bass Flies. Appears he used to do these for the flyrod. It mentioned the legs being made from silicone. I think the easiest way to go would probably be bunches of sili-legs tied at the knee with thread ala the Messinger frog. bill
  5. Nice job! Don't shut that air compressor off much do you? :-) bill
  6. scrubs


    Reinke has 20" magnum Flashabou but I've never seen any longer. bill
  7. scrubs


    Feather artist is what you are! bill
  8. Ah yes primitive. My precision band/scroll saw is a sabre saw screwed to the bottom of a 3/4 ply plate attached to my workbench. My wood lathe is a flat ply plate bolted to my drillpress base with a 1" dowel for a tool rest and a 6 buck live center. My precision sander is 4 drums in the same drillpress. So I'm about 6 steps down from Dieter in both technique and results. bill
  9. From the way the Dauber legs look I would bet they are cut from sheet not molded. I've never used the Dauber frog but used the Plummer years ago. Heavy wire weed guard, the hookup ratio was terrible. But they got a lot of strikes. bill
  10. scrubs

    New Paint 11 19 2013 002

    I think it's a winner Ben. Lovely paint. bill
  11. Those are really interesting. Maybe you'll need to order the replacement legs just to get some idea of what material he uses. Remember the Bill Plummer bass frog? Legs on that were of a material that looked like a thin inner tube. I wonder how some type of rubberized fabric would work or even oilcloth? bill
  12. See Curt's post here about a new site. Looks promising. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/topic/27024-where-do-most-of-you-sell/?hl=selling I don't sell lures but I've been gettin rid of some books on ebay. I've found it's better for bargain hunter buying than selling. bill
  13. scrubs

    A New Dozen

    Lucky friend! I especially like the salmon plug and the one in the middle of this photo. Nice paint job on this one. bill
  14. scrubs

    misc plugs

    Thanks Vic. Doesn't show too well in the pic but it has gold sides with that red top. That occasionally was a hot color on countdown raps I used on lake Michigan. So I thought what the heck maybe it will work on bass & pike too.
  15. scrubs

    misc plugs

    More uglies from the house of scrubs. :-) Two on left are brush painted turned from poplar prop baits of around 3.5-4" and 5/8 oz. Middle is a 1 oz 6" wlure blank also brush painted over Krylon Fusion. Next is a small wlure popper with a simple rattle can paint job. Right one is a turned poplar prop bait with a rattle can finish. bill
  16. scrubs

    New Ones.

    I think all 4 look nice. Is the fire tiger one in this pick a sinker or floater, glider or??? bill
  17. scrubs


    I like the two in the back row. I guess I'm a sucker for that traditional red & white scheme. :-) Your great granddad would be proud. bill
  18. scrubs

    Spookie sunfish

    I'm getting redundant but SWEET! It's had to tell from the pics since they have some perspective but how much are you tapering the length of Spooks? bill
  19. scrubs

    glider group 1

    Yeah I used to get bass when fishing for Muskie back home. bill
  20. Interesting idea. Wonder how small willow leaf blades would work as small pectoral fins. bill
  21. Did a quick lookup on Fla. Peacocks. see inlines like Panther Martins etc. Topwaters probably mean buzzbaits would work. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120318170801AAMMuUv Found a few more sites but it was duplicate info. All sites said work it fast so keep that in mind for the blades. Gold and bright colors were mentioned. Have him ask the guide service and build to suit. bill
  22. scrubs


    Thanks for uploading all these. It's nice to see more hand painted examples. bill
  23. scrubs

    glider group 1

    I especially like the Bluegill and Shad. You must have some beefy bass to be throwing 3 1/2 oz baits like the trout at them. :-) bill
  24. Matt, do you need to use a rotating lure dryer or can you get away with rotating it every 5 minutes or so like I do with Devcon? And what is the smell like? I need to do most of this stuff in the house. thanks, bill
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