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Everything posted by BuckMaxx

  1. I tried to reorder the Red 604 and cant find them. Any luck on your hooks Cadman
  2. Sod staples work ok then you can dip two at a time. but you have to lube the wire before dipping or its a motha to get off. ALuminum is the way to go probably pick up a stick of 1.8 at the hardware store pretty cheap. as far as cutting tails. I have a lurecraft block that I do smaller stuff on. I built one of those pizza cutter type but my plastic all balls up in it.
  3. Tsic can you elaberate on your post name brand of mold also what do you mean lurecraft block adapted to drill press thank you
  4. I have been clear dipping a lot of baits lately so I found a mini presto pot type deep fryer. I poured it full of plastic canked it on up to 325 and scorched it. I was curious how he guys that use the Lee pots keep from scorching their plastic.Its the same principal as a Lee pot.I see guy re-warm hardened plastisol with their lee. Maybe it needs constant stiring? Any help would be great! Thanks!
  5. I currently have a delmart 4" tube mold. It pours well but the walls of the tube are so thick it makes it difficult to cut the tails. Any ideas on how to remedy this or is there a top pour mandrel type mold that would make a desirable tube. Thanks
  6. I make a very similar color start with lc watermelon and add lc pumpkin to taste. Maybe a spot of black to darken.I don't have a set recipe as I do most of my matches on the fly.
  7. Might be really close to another color morning dawn by roboworm atleast that be a start
  8. How do you shake 5 gallon buckets to get the hardner to remix? I tried a drywall mixer with OK results. But that won't work it 5 gallon totes.
  9. The only hook I can find is the do it 785 anyone running a Mustad or Gammy in this mold. If so what are the numbers thanks!!
  10. BuckMaxx

    Quick Eye Mold

    great idea might be easier to remove each lego with a dremel just a thought.
  11. whenever I have problems in the baitholder area the first thing I look at it venting often I use an upsozed hook. I have found if I take a jewelers file and open the hook channel just a bit cures all my problems. For saving hooks from mispours I use a propane torch to melt off the head.
  12. I have now outgrown some of my molds. I want to start making my own molds to upsize them. Is there a step by step video or can someone tell me how to do it? Specifically what rtv do I need?thanks!!
  13. I watched all the videos and believe it is something that I want to pursue. I ordered a bunch of paint from lureworks. They called me since I was a new customer to answer any questions I may have. One of them was will create work on soft plastics. the short answer is No. the only paint formulated to work on soft plastics is that of lureworks. Something to do with the formulation. If I understood correctly the water based is used when you plan to clearcoat it. they also have a solvent based that will handle being uncoated. AT the end of the conversation the gentleman added quite a bit of samples to my box prior to shipping it out. I'll let you know how the first adventure goes.
  14. I notuce the new trend us to add scales to soft plastics I wonder how this is achieved. I am sure it is with an airbrush and stencil. What paint is the best and any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  15. I have been trolling around many of the forums and FB. I don't mean to sound disrespectful but It seems every where you go you couldn't throw a rock and not hit a "custom" jig maker in the back of the head. I question why this is? It seems that if you purchase premade heads and add the appropriate skirting materials you are quickly in the $2 range before the jig leaves the door. I have been pouring my own heads, on mostly Gamakatsu, adding weedgaurds paint and skirt. There is no way I could comepete when I factor in quality components and my time. I make a few here and there for buddies and bass club guys but by far don't make anything doing it. SO with that said...I wonder how these guys all get a piece of the proverbial pie, when it comes to jig sales?
  16. Thanks wasn't sure if it would melt or give off fumes. I'll get after it
  17. I have a drop shot mold that I took a little too much meat off with the dremel. What do I use to repair it? Can I use JB weld or some other sort of synthetic metal polymer? Thanks!!
  18. Sorry Cadman just like your avatar. 3D eyes for the SHR-5-A mold 1/8 oz - 5/8 size Where is the best place to get them thanks!!
  19. I just picked up a UM Mold for pouring some heads for preacher jigs what size eye do I need to order for that mold anyone know of the top of their head thanks
  20. http://www.ebay.com/itm/171321069863?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Follow up. The ones I ordered on ebay worked great. Just in case in the future someone comes across this post in a search. 100 x Fishing Rolling Swivel Solid Ring 48 Lb Connector Terminal Tackle Size #7 3.6 cents a pc.
  21. I have been making some vibrating blade baits. I tried using a split ring and a treble hook but it keeps getting hung over the top. I see some others use a double hook looks like a mini frog hook) that slips thru the hole. What are these hooks called? What size would I need for a 3.8 blade bait? thanks!
  22. I ordered a handful off of bay and will see how they work. Thanks JBarlow for giving me one of those DUH! why didn't I think of that moments. haha I ordered a handful off of bay and will see how they work. Thanks JBarlow for giving me one of those DUH! why didn't I think of that moments. haha
  23. I am needing some drop shot weights with barrel swivels rather then the #7 line grips. Does anyone know who sells these that will fit the do it mold? thanks
  24. I too use banana heads. I have a couple different molds including the doit and some lil mac that I have buying off of ebay of various sizes up to 1 oz. I open the eyes the same way as Ap does but with Gamy hooks I find that about 1 in 5 breaks. Teflon plumbers tape does the same thing on the eyes.
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