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Robbie Roberson

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Everything posted by Robbie Roberson

  1. Thank you all for the prayers sincerely, Robbie
  2. Thank you so much John. We have a surgeon picked and operation scheduled for Dec. 3rd. The surgeon said he thinks the stage is about 1 or 2 but will know more later. Robbie
  3. I know this is a bait forum post that started out thanking a member. But I felt the need to update the members on here that were so kind to respond to a fellow fishermans problems by offering prayers. The results of my wifes test are breast cancer. It seems to be isolated in one side. The MRI said no lymph nodes were involved but the surgeon we saw at UT says he will know more after removing cancer. We know there will be radiation after surgery. We don't know how much. We won't know about chemo until further test on lymph nodes after surgery next week. So we are at a crossroads I guess. My faith is not wavering, but my mind is tired. One thing that has me worried is we noticed her thyroid is swollen. A test was done and functions look normal. A scan is planned next week to see if there is anything abnormal. My hope is the strong meds she has been taking for her severe rhumatory that Vanderbilt prescribed 6 months ago is causing this. So we beat a bone cancer tumor 3 yrs ago. Now we start a new fight with breast cancer. Please say a prayer for us and thank you so much. Robbie
  4. Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and prayers. We did the biopsy today. All went as good as could be expected for a biopsy. We will know results on monday maybe. The waiting is horrible. I felt so sorry for her going through this.......wish it were me this time.....and last. God is watching over us in some way I know. Thanks again. Robbie Roberson
  5. Thanks......Bassrecord, this is amazing !! What a story. ! So good to hear. Thanks for sharing. Robbie
  6. Thank guys, you don't know how much this means to me and the wife. I think waiting for the biopsy and the results are the hardest part so far. Prayers are all that helps right now. Robbie Roberson
  7. A crankbait maker, (member) has done something special for me and I just wanted to mention it. I collect signed balsa or wood type baits. I had bought about a dozen wood baits from a maker who is a member here, and just recently realized they were not signed. I contacted him to see if he could sign these baits for me if I shipped them to him. He has not only signed them, but he contacted me and told me he was sending some extra baits with the others all signed. My wife and I just got potential bad news about her mammogram (biopsy coming friday) and this has just wiped me out. We will beat this too by the grace of God I am certain but this baitmakers kindness made us feel good when we were really down. Thank you "Crankbaits", otherwise known as "LisaKaitieBug" for the kindness, It has made a difference. Robbie Roberson
  8. I thought I would update this post. 91 clicks on this and not one offer to repair my baits. Oh well, I guess you guys know you have driven me to do the unthinkable.........try to fix them myself..... I did get a pm from one of the members here I have bought several baits from on ebay and I think I will take his advice........stick them.......in some sealer ! I made a few baits back 20+ years ago and then dipped them in polyurethane and they turned out pretty well. So I guess I will do this later this winter. I would love to be able to make some baits for fun. Anyway.........have a great fall and winter holiday season. Robbie
  9. Hi guys, I am going through all my treasured baits and I am finding a few that have a few scratches, chips or maybe a slight dent. Mostly just scratches and chips though......and nothing bad at all so far except for one that has the clear coat peeling off bill. My question. Does anyone on here know of someone who might be interested in trying to repair or just clear coat these for me for a decent price ? Or......maybe someone wanting to practice some color schemes or clear coat techniques on some of these baits for me in a few weeks during cold weather ? If so, would you please shoot me a pm with a pre-estimate per bait then after I ship to you and you examine you could give me a firm price to do them and ship back ? I wont be able to do this for about a month but I would like to get some ideas on what I could do. Anything to cover some of the scratches and dents the best you can would be fine. I could even send some pics later on of the baits in question. Most look really good and would not take much I dont think. So far I have found about 10 or 12 balsa baits that need a little tlc. Thanks for any ideas or suggestions. I would pay with pay pal. Robbie Roberson
  10. Thanks everyone, that is what I think it is. I just can't find anything that tells his first name. I think it is a Frasier bait. Appreciate all the input. Robbie Roberson.
  11. Nathan, thanks for your help. Robbie Roberson.
  12. Ok, see if this works, Mods, if this is incorrect, please delete, thank for looking. http://i764.photobucket.com/albums/xx289/Revolverman/KGrHqEOKpIFIBc2WCBSHlulcig60_58.jpg http://i764.photobucket.com/albums/xx289/Revolverman/KGrHqQOKpMFIJ5LJV2BSHl4878w60_58.jpg Robbie Roberson
  13. Thanks, let me give this a shot. Just bought a bait that looks wood of some type. It says "Basso" under the lip with the letters "JWF" on the body underneath all wrote with looks to be a black felt marker. It also has this, "103X" under lip and "LTD" under bill. It is a round body looks to be balsa. The only thing I have found that comes close is possibly a Basso lure proto made by Wilson Frasier. I just don't know if his first intitial is "J". Any help identifying this bait would be appreciated. I will probably keep this one for my collection. Thanks, Robbie Roberson
  14. Hey guys, I just wondered if I am missing an area where we could just chat about hard baits in general ? I do realize this is a "making" forum but I just bought one I would like for you to see and help me identify if possible. I have it narrowed down and am pretty sure it is a prototype lure. Thanks. Robbie
  15. Curt, I am the new guy here. I find the gallery very hard to navigate. I first thought the small pictures I was seeing was because I was a new member. The are very hard to navigate through and the most annoying thing is (may be a setting on my PC) when you click on a pic, you have to scroll up to see it. Then when I back space to go back to the original pic, I have to scroll way down to get back on the pic I was on...and if you are way down the page, then you have to scroll way down. I was thinking on some web pages when you click on something and click back, it always takes you back to the location you were at. The pictures in the gallery are very hard for me to navigate through because it always takes you back to the top of the page. As I said, this could be some setting on my pc. not sure. And I have a lot of red X's on the gallery page next to the numbers......not sure what this is. I know my browser needs an update but the page scroll up and down must be something else. Your doing great by asking what the members have to suggest, not many places would do this, thanks. Robbie
  16. Jerry, sorry to see you go. I'm sure you will be checking in often and hope you do. Curt, who better to run a bait making forum than an avid fisherman like yourself ? As a new member, I would like to welcome you. I am here because my wife and I are recovering from her bout with cancer for the last 2 years and I needed a place to clear my head. I am buying some hand made wood baits on ebay just for fun, and a search on google brought me here. I have designed a few hunting/survival knives for a major knife company over the last 11 years, so I have some experience in making things with my hands. I hope I could contribute something beneficial to this forum. Good luck and welcome ! Robbie Roberson
  17. Travis, thanks for your advice. I will be looking on here for some handmade cranks. I'm certain there are a lot of talented makers on here. Robbie
  18. LittleRiver, I found this place by accident. I am still buying crankbaits on ebay but getting harder to find them. I did a search here and found a few for sale in 2011 but they were $25 each from Japan, no signed. They hand mades are well worth that, but I want a more personal bait signed by the maker. And I can not pay $25 often.......but have been close a few times. I prefer to spend $10-15 on a signed bait if I can find them. I recently found some foil baits on ebay that were awsome. The workmanship is what I like best. And you can tell when a maker makes each bait personal and when they just crank them out with an assembly line type proccess. I do understand that lots of makers have to make a living making baits, they have to be "fast and good" at making quantities of great baits. I wish some of these custom makers would post some of their wood baits on the for sale forum if it is allowed. Robbie
  19. Travis, yes, I am looking for custom handmade wood baits. Balsa is good or any of the woods they use will be fine. I also prefer circuit board bills but the clear plastic will be ok too. I am not sure when I can post a pic of some of my baits for examples but when I figure this out I can post a pic or two. My favorites are crankbaits or non-top but occasionally I find some of these I like too. The old flat side style is one of my favorites. Thanks for any help. Robbie
  20. This pattern reminds me of the old "Doll, Top Secret" bait. I think you did a great job on this one. The original Doll top secret baits had an amazing "search" wiggle because of bill placement and it would almost never run the same wiggle. I remember that fish would almost knock the rod out of your hand with these old baits because it ran so weird, fish could not seem to zero in on it so it resulted in a hard hit....this one looks a lot like it's shape.
  21. Hi guys and gals, I am new here. I have fished all my life and just turned 58 and feel the need to take advantage of some of these quality custom hand made wood baits that are being offered all over the country. There is something about buying and admiring these great works of art that amaze me. I just love them.......such skills are needed to do these baits, I don't think you realize what you are really doing each time you make one and get it to the public. I have made about 6 balsa baits in my life and loved doing it and actually caught fish on a couple of them. Not really in to that at this time. Within the last few years, my wife and I have been fighting her cancer and we have won ! She is cancer free for over a year now. Long post short......I lost interest in everything....and I mean everything except God and her and my kids, grandkids. Now that she is ok, I am buying some of these custom baits off of ebay when I can catch one reasonable and they are signed. My reason for posting is to ask for 2 things. 1. Please sign your baits under the clear coat, this way if someone like me does not use them, then they might be around 75 years from now and your name will be on them. If you can't sign them, put a mark that will be recognized someday. 2. Please give me some names of some custom makers on here that sign their baits so I can maybe contact them to see some. And if you know of some sellers/makers on ebay or internet, I would appreciate their names or web sites if this is ok. I don't want to cut in front of anyone or compete for them, just doing this for fun and to keep my mind clear right now. Thank you much. :-) Robbie
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