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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. OK, so my passion is recreating vintage lures. What I'm looking for is "BAT WING SPINNER BLADES" a place to buy them or someone who can make them. I am going nuts looking for them. Seems to be darn near impossible but thought you guys might be able to help. Thank You for any help.
  2. I'm tying some lead head jigs that need very long hair. 4 inches or longer. The usual sources are not that long even on their "large" tails. Anyone know where I might find it? Of course a reasonable price would help too.
  3. Thanks to all you guys. I can always count on good info here. I found that I can use 2 brass weights in the 3/4 ounce size and place them back to back on the wire. Works great. Again THANKS!!!!!!!
  4. Does anyone know where I can find Brass Lure Bodies in the 1, 1 1/2, or 2 ounce range. I've looked at Worth, LPO, Janns, Barlows with no luck. Any help appreciated.
  5. OK, thanks guys. I'll try it.
  6. HELP!!!!! Looking for an open eye treble hook in size #6. 1x or 2x strong would also be hellpful. Any brand. Thanks for any help you guys can offer.
  7. OK, Thank you all for the comments and advice. I think I'll go with most of the advice and just use the Do It cut face mold. Did some figuring and it would take forever to recover the cost of having a mold built. Thanks again and good fishing to all.
  8. Thanks RayburnGuy. YEP, that's the one I bought on Ebay in the hopes that I can get someone to make me a mold using that as an example.
  9. OK, thanks to all so far. I've got the Do-It molds and they are not the same. The "Suzy" has a very flat face angled at about 45 degrees. I found one on Ebay that I have ordered. Soon as I get it I will try to post a pic if I can figure out how to do it. Thanks Again.
  10. If any of you guys got a mold for an old lure called a "Little Suzy", I would be interested in buying it.
  11. I'm into making vintage lures and need to find a mold for a "Little Suzy". Very similar to a Little George but has a flat 45 degree angle (/) on the face. Have searched on line and Ebay with no results. Any help greatly appreciated.
  12. Just came across a site called "Tackle-Exchange.com". They seem very similar to another site called Fishinggear.Com which I tried with very poor results. Anybody know anything about this new site? Thinking about giving them a try as an Ebay alternative. Any help and or info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. OK, thanks Jaw. I'll try them. Other markers haven't been great so far so I'm willing to give anything a shot.
  14. OK, Thanks John & Ben. I'll try the marker idea and see what happens.
  15. Thanks RayburnGuy: Already tried that and did not produce the same effect. What I need is something that will actually mark the Bucktail.
  16. Don't know if this is the right place or not but here goes. I see lots of Bucktail Lead Head Jigs with 4 or 5 vertical stripes. Can anyone tell me what marker, tool or whatever is used to make this stripe? Thanks for any help.
  17. Waiting around to see if anyone else had any suggestions. Looks like nope. So, thanks Smalljaw. I'll give the tool a try and see what happens.
  18. Looking for help/ideas on how to make the offset line tie on an old "Shyster" Lure. I can do it with a couple pair of pliers but it's a real pain and does not meet my picky standards. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Roadkill:
  19. Worth has a couple styles tha might work for you. Reasonable price.
  20. OK, thanks guys. Apparently there is no saltwater hook made for this mold unless you special order like 20,000. This is per LPO, Barlows, Shorty's & others. Oh well, it was worth a shot. Thanks again to all: I find a lot of good info here and contribute when I can.
  21. Do It Mold SWM-3-A. (swm jig). Only hook I can find is Eagle Claw #2190 Bronze from LPO. I desparately need a hook to fit this mold that will work in salt water. Some say Mustad has it but I can not find. Please HELP!!! and thanks ahead of time for any advice.
  22. Hey Diemai: Sorry to take so long to get back, been out of it for a few days. Anyway, passed on your info, customer loved it. Thanks
  23. OK, I build in line spinners and I have a customer who wants a "Brown Trout" pattern casting spoon. Weight should be 3/4 to one ounce. I will be happy to send this guy to you, I'm just trying to help him. Please, anyone who can build these spoons, give me a phone # and I'll have this guy call and you can talk with him. Thanks: Roadkill
  24. Thanks Mark: Yep, that is the pattern needed. Now I need to find someone to make a spoon with that pattern. Hopefully someone out there makes spoon and can do it.
  25. Don't know if I'm posting in the right place but here's what I'm looking for. I make in line spinners and I have a customer who wants a "Brown Trout Pattern" spoon. Weight should be 3/4 to one ounce. Does anyone make them, I'll send the customer to you, or anyone know where I can find them. Thanks/Roadkill
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