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Les Young

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Everything posted by Les Young

  1. What is most guys favorites for clear water & especially smallmouth? Would be using from bank to about 35 feet deep along bluffs & in open water with livescope when fish are offshore feeding on shad. I'd also be using them in clear water at night in summer if that makes a difference. What do you guys suggest
  2. If it's a brownish/ black (without the colorant) & bubbly it's definitely burnt. If i do burn it i immediately pour it out & then when the cup cools i clean it up & use it next time i shoot. The smoking burnt smell is awful & toxic if you breath it too.
  3. I've been aiming to try this too for bass scent.
  4. I fill old crappie nibble jars with soft plastic salmon eggs that i make to use as crappie nibbles & soak them in gulp alive shrimp scent mixed with slab sauce & i spray some bang crawfish shad scent in it too & it pretty much smells like power bait & the crappie will smoke them.
  5. Yep & I also use extra molds as a heat sync too clamping one I’m using in between 2 unused ones. Another thing I like about using clamps instead.
  6. He does have some good looking molds.
  7. I take the bolts out of all of my cnc molds anyway & just clamp the crap out of them & it works great.
  8. I wouldn't like the fact that i couldn't use clamps since i clamp my aluminum molds.
  9. Yep i tried that & it didn't work out to good. Besides i like aluminum. lol
  10. Man i'd like to have one to copy some molds that i use strictly for myself to be able to have more cavities to shoot at once & to also make my own molds.
  11. Yep making molds for Lureworks evidently
  12. Del at Delmart passed away best i remember.
  13. I'd mix it in a little at a time with whatever plastisol you're using now.
  14. It's good stuff. I used it when baitjunkys sold it. I liked it.
  15. I had this mold & i shot the 190 mold in medium & then after putting them into the 250 mold i shot the body in hard & they worked great. Shooting just the 250 i'd use hard which will make them stay on the jig head better & since the hooks exposed anyway it isn't going to matter. All my crappie baits i make in hard. My regular bass tubes that i shoot in the angling ai 4" double dipper mold & texas rig them only & i shoot in a 50/50 mix of medium & hard from bait plastics & they work great.
  16. Check out bitters baits if you don't find anybody to pour them. They have a split tail trailer if it works for you.
  17. Send him an email or message through ebay & he'll tell you how much plastic it will take to shoot it. May take a day or two with things like they are in the ukraine but he will get back with you.
  18. Basstackle did sell a 10 ouncer because i bought one once. I'd call them & ask. Also if you happen to have a basstackle dual injector you could always use it if making single color grubs that way you'd be able to shoot 12 ounces instead of 6.
  19. Why not leave them hanging, lying straight or however you choose to let them cure in open air for a few days or weeks ? Does the oil not get absorbed back into the baits? Just asking because i let my baits hang by the sprue on nails in my garage wall & I never have that problem. I have had some that seemed a little oily when first demolding & i hung them up & let them cure & they have always been dry when i got some off of the wall to bag up to use. I usually try to shoot a bunch of each color though so i don't run out so that may be why i don't have a problem because some of mine are hanging for a few months before i use them. This has been with lureworks, bait junkys & bait plastics
  20. I use both green pumpkins DaveMc1 mentioned
  21. As far as plastic goes I've used calhouns that baitjunkys used to sale, lureworks & bait plastics & have settled on baitplastics for the last couple years. I will say that lureworks is some good stuff.
  22. I've never used M-F stuff. I use the 109 myself & really like it.
  23. I like lureworks colorants & glitter & they have good plastic too.
  24. I use lureworks pithalo blue & their aqua marine blue.
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