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Everything posted by BassAboveThe49th

  1. hopefully you guys can see this, i decided (cause im on a budget) that id prep the surfaces to paint then just went over with some createx. after that i went to Napa and bought some acrylic enamel and gave each piece (minus the missing one which still needs to be painted) 4 coats of spray enamel. i realize that it probably wont last which is why in the winter i plan on repainting but for now im happy so far with the outcome of trying to spray my first reel. im gonna head to a local paint shop sometime this week to get some better quality enamel. i was worried about the thickness of the enamel but it isn't a problem everything fit back together just fine. 1 more piece to go! http://s86.photobucket.com/user/connorrri/media/13663545_1111680578877923_462300574_o_zpsaljamhbi.jpg.html http://s86.photobucket.com/user/connorrri/media/13647095_1111680585544589_548382765_o_zpstzufj0ti.jpg.html http://s86.photobucket.com/user/connorrri/media/13663608_1111680468877934_1121697304_o_zpszaftyd7p.jpg.html http://s86.photobucket.com/user/connorrri/media/13632893_1111680512211263_1504377858_o_zpsnlzxz0lq.jpg.html
  2. the reel im looking to paint is one of the new curado i's, im only looking to try to paint the plastic side plates of the reel. i will look into automotive clear coat and paint. thank you sir greatly appreciated
  3. hey guys, Was wondering if anyone here has painted baitcasters before? ive been airbrushing for about 2 years now and i want to do something besides a hardbait and decided i wanted to paint a reel. Is there any info anyone could send my way to make my first time trying this easier? what kind of paint should i use and clear coat at the end? so far i only have createx and bsi 30 epoxy. is there any special process when tearing the reel apart that i should use? any info really bout anything related to painting reels would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Connor
  4. My buddy wants me to airbrush some spinner bait blades for him but I'm not to sure about how I would go putting epoxy on the Blades, or weather or not I should skip the epoxy all together. He heard that the exoxy tends to peel off over time, what d you guys think, any suggestions on weather or not I should put the epoxy on or is there an alternative?
  5. Painted this x-rap last night for a friend, wish I didn't have to give it back to him lol
  6. Yup I use a hair dryer, and the hot waters a good idea I've just been using room temp distilled water and cleaner so far. haha I didn't have a drying wheel so to help the epoxy set I wentinto my wreckroom and tied some left over flipping line to a rack that you'd use to rack pool balls, letit sit over hanging the edge of my fire place mantle then set a small porcelain statue on the back to weight he rack down, then placed a space heater beside my bait which hung from the rack turned it on and let it set/dry overnight hanging beside the space heater lol, I like to jimmy rig stuff its amusing
  7. Thanks man! An iwata eclipse spraying createx (regular and wicked) and yea I agree since then though I have thinned out most of my bottles so they spray on more easily and even. Yea that's very true! Thanks a lot man! I did another Jerkbait tonight (an x rap) trying to create another gill pattern and it has been by far the best bait I've done so far, I can honestly say I have really surprised myself with this one. I am going to post another picture of it tomorrow after the epoxy has fully hardened (I'm using Bob smith industries 30 minute epoxy).
  8. Well after much delay I finally broke out my new airbrush and painted my first three baits. They are (in order) a modified red eye shad, husky jerk and original floater, but none of them have been clear coated in epoxy yet. My favorite crank so far is the original floater, I was trying to paint a bluegill or perch pattern but I feel like my color/pattern is somewhere in the middle between the two. What do you guys think of it? And does anyone had any suggestions or tips for me that will help me when painting future gill patterns? Thanks for looking!
  9. building myself a cedar work bench for airbrushing!

  10. @Green_Fingers thats a good idea writing gift on the package! I'm going to try that thanks for the tip! @baseball24311 Thanks for the info!
  11. Hey guys, so when I start airbrushing I'm going to have to learn how to reduce my paint (I have already bought createx paint which is what I'm going to be using), so what can/should I use to thin my paint?
  12. How much does shipping cost you? Thats the only thing I'm worried about! Im fine with paying the shipping fee but what worries me is the tax placed on goods when they cross the boarder
  13. I wish I could buy from Dakota lakes but he doesn't ship internationally
  14. Thanks for the advice, man I Love this forum
  15. Ya I had thought about that too, I might just buy them separately so I don't have a chunky regulator attached to my ab, i feel like it would be hard to work with haha, I think I'll buy the Iwata moisture filter right on the rush then the regulator at the other end of that hose, then the regulator then so on with everything else.
  16. I'd be using a Bonding epoxy, because I'm a little impatient but also I think its too cold most of the time where I live for decoupage epoxy. Its fall right now and for the last week its been extremely cold (35-40° every morning), colder then it should be. Also I strictly fish for bass, only because pike do too much unwanted damage to my baits/line. I'm going to try a few bonding epoxies before I choose one to use selectively, I might even try urethane if epoxies aren't doing it for me.
  17. Hey guys could you recommend a website/store that sells quality blank crank baits and eyes? Preferably one that you think would ship to Canada!
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