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wallyc14 last won the day on March 3 2022

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About wallyc14

  • Birthday 04/18/1974

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    Newport News Virginia

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  1. Garlic is the most potent one I have found. My shop smells like it. It over powers everything.
  2. Yes all the sb coat stuff is potent. I don’t handle it any different than mek or acetone. Nitrile gloves and ventilation that doesn’t spark.‘I mix in my airbrush cup.‘I use clear and plastisol colorant to make custom colors. Just mix it in the cup and shoot. I use an iwata eclipse.
  3. Heat plays a roll in suspension as we’ll . Example plastic at 350 the salt will settle out fast. I usually shoot at around 310-320 when making stick baits to keep the settling at bay. Over the years I have gotten to the point I use worm salt and glass media. Some where around here MonteSS posted some pics along time ago of clear plastic with just glass media in it.
  4. Lurecoat is what it’s called. I have had no yellowing issues as well.
  5. They also make one for lure coating. I’ve used about 16 oz all in all . No real complaints. I decided to go the uv route . Less waste. Neither are what I would call cheap.
  6. Smokes a little when I first used it. It’s not horrible though.
  7. I too also made the switch however have yet to try.
  8. Sorry for the late response .I put my cups in then I poured sand around the tray.Then I mixed a quart of water and mixed quite a bit of Elmer’s glue until I basically had watered down glue so it would completely soaked down into the sand. I plugged it in and set it on low heat for a couple hours and then turned it off and let it sit overnight and by the time I got up the next day it was good and hard I could pull my Pyrex cups right out. It will take 400 degrees with no problems.
  9. I use acetone with no Problems. I do try to stay away from the orings with it other than having to wear the proper PPE or it being very flammable. It’s a great grease cutter wd 40 is a good choice as well. I use acetone for a deep cleaning and wd 40 as cleaning between color changes and when I’m storing molds and my mixer for the off season
  10. Can you post a pic of the color? I have never heard of it.
  11. You need to make sure it’s glass for heating . IPyrex anchor etc.
  12. I put my cups in . Poured sand mixed with Elmer’s glue in. Let it dry and good to go.
  13. This is for those who use a presto pot and a stirring machine. 1 : do y’all use a insulation blanket around the pot? What’s the real world benefit? 2: How long does it take to bring the plastic up to temp? I’ve done some some research and found the barstools way to heat is a microwave then dump in the pot, however my mics take for ever to heat 4 cups let alone 3/4 of a gallon. Thanks for the help folks :-)
  14. I use silver leaf and top coat with epoxy. its a lot of work but comes out nice.
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