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About MuddyCreekFisherman

  • Birthday 06/01/1990

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  1. thats what i was thinking you did. sounds like a pretty good bait!!!
  2. well if you look on his galley pictures it has one that is drilled all the way through...so i was just curious as to how that worked?
  3. -archeryrob when you drilled the hole through the rat-l-trap...what did you use for the sides to close it up and keep the BBs inside???
  4. ive seen all these baits throughout google as ive searched it...is there any paticular bait that i should look at...right now im going with woodieb8 on the wiggle wart. but thank you everyone for your input!
  5. i have a buddy of mine that asked me if i could make him a walleye lure. now the problem with that is. i mainly fish bass so i have no clue what to look for as far as designing one??? he gave me a basic description of it but it just sounds like a crankbait to me. any ideas? if so i picture of a design would be nice to go off of or atleast a picture of a lure. -thanks
  6. bryan- thanks for all the knowledge..as soon as i get back home i plan to make quite a bit of cranks cause thats what i mainly use and this info was very helpful!!! knowing how someone does it step by step really puts things in prospective on how to begin put pieces together fairly quickly. right now the only tools i really have available to me are my pocket knife, sandpaper, and the paint but im sure ill have a workbench full of stuff waiting on me at home after i ask my wife to get all the items i need. once again thank you for sharing your process with us!
  7. barr5150- thanks for that info...im just starting out and decided that flatsided cranks are the lures i want to make for right now. ive been reading up on several different post and would like to pick your brain on how "you" go about making yours. just to get some ideas!! ive seen poplar online in 6 to 12 foot long pieces but being in the middle of the ocean i can just have that shipped out here...do you know of anywhere that sells in like 6" blocks?
  8. -thanks and do you know where online i can get poplar or basswood??? shipped in blocks??
  9. can anyone help with which wood is preferred for crankbaits?
  10. so ive been reading about how super glue is a good sealer for balsa and ive recently start using it and since im on a ship where supplies are limited i can only brush on paint. now my problem is that when i paint my lures some times the paint just peels right of after drying!?!? does this have anything to do with the paint or the process im doing? -thanks
  11. i know there is probably a simple answer to this question and i just havent been able to find it...but when applying the top coat or clear coat is it sprayed on or just dipped?
  12. im new to this as well and was wondering if they (lure parts online) make pre-made ballast weights or do you make them yourself???
  13. i was looking more toward painting and making my own wooden lures. eventually i want to move into a little bit of everything but starting out i kind of just want to start making my own crankbaits. those are the main lure i use out here in virginia.
  14. hey everyone well to start out ive been fishing for about 15 years now and there's nothing i can think that's better than catchin' a big bass! ive recently looked into building my own lures and joined this forum to see if i could get some pointers on starting out? ive always been fasinated with how each lure acts in a different way. so if anybody has a good beginner pointers it would be very much appreciated!
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