added the skid plate to see if it will pop over logs without snagging ...from my old skateboard days the idea come from ..the old nollie far swimming na treat ... now to test the log thing
added the skid plate to see if it will pop over logs without snagging ...from my old skateboard days the idea come from ... the old nollie far swimming a treat to test the log thing ..
added the skid plate to see if it will pop over smaller logs without snagging ... from my oldskate board days the idea come from .... the old nollie far swimming a treat .. now to test the log thing ....
thanks again mate ...I have a few 100 of these im doing ...get a photo of them all standing up in the group and huddle pairs before I sell them of though ...
cheers mate . thanks ..... yeah it pushes more water ..the plop is not as loud as the jitterbug bibs ... but can soon make some that will be ... I wanted the clear lexon with these also have them in alloy which is louder plop aswell ....
hand carved timber mega cray lure . spikes on it are from the real shell then attached to the timber body . need to finish the others of for this set of 3 .. then start getting the to undercoat stage
hand carved timber mega murray cray lure .. spikes on it are cut away from the real shell then attached to the timber body ..need to finish the others of for this set of 3 ....
thanks mate ... ive got lots of things like this ... like doing it as gives a break from the norm ...always learning more everytime I do something new ....thanks aaron
just some painted plastics .... done these after I had my shoulder op as I couldn't carve any timber ... think I will get back into painting some plastics again ...