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fishon-son last won the day on September 4 2018

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About fishon-son

  • Birthday 07/14/1964

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    Fishing,more fishing,some more fishing then Hunting, Hand Gunning

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  1. yes you can use them...cold air blast from a air line will keep your chips away....
  2. if you want a thin coat use a make up brush load it up with paint and tap it over a hot blade little at a time on the tapping ...i do this with 1 oz jigs also for 3 or 4 color jig heads use the round 3/4 inch brush
  3. if you cant find them try the lil nasty hook from eagle craw same hook
  4. well whats expensive to you? that reel was $230 or more if I remember right
  5. great reel but wont cast 20 ft with a 3/4 oz crankbait on but will throw a 3 oz a mile magnets on 0 no back lash only been used a hand full of times nothing broke just think it needs a good cleaning and lube...im in the Detroit area and would like to send it out reel is about 10 yrs old
  6. your best bet is to make a real good swimbait I nice one can sell for couple hundred bucks...if not more check out swimbait universe on facebook
  7. make sure your bait is clean and thin your epoxy with denatured alcohol.....then put on your wheel
  8. it powder paint or textured paint rattle can
  9. they have 4th axis for routers and copiers for lathes...cnc wood lathe would be just like a medal cutting lathe just different tools
  10. cant seam to find big jerk bait molds 7 / 10 inch would be nice... anyone seen them
  11. cant seam to find it .. any links …..
  12. thank you.....I do have a mill so maybe I can set up a fly cutter with a grooving cutter.....ill look at McMaster carr we have a account with them at the shop......thanks again
  13. thanks.....if I got that plate could I leave the paint in the cup and just change cups...I do a lot of colors.....more bigger bait..1 oz 1 1/4 1 1/2 ..for walleye jigging ….wheredo I getit from......
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