So guys, which do you like better, the AC1315 or the GST? I usually prime my baits with an all purpose primer and let them air dry for at least 24 hours before putting on the first touch of paint. I try my best to keep the coats light before putting them on my turner for at least an hour. However, I am definitely going to start hitting them with a hair dryer to get the "wetness" off them from now on. I definitely love the way the baits you guys make turn out. Love the GST so far. One dip is all I have done so far and the baits already look better than anything I've used before. Already coming up with some cheaper ideas to get this whole setup finished and done outside regardless of the weather. I have plenty of spare stuff around here to make it happen, especially computer fans and filament bulbs. I actually have a ceramic heater with a super low setting I thought I might be able to use provided I give it enough clearance around its sides and front and enough distance from the lures and turner. I was thinking clothes dryer venting from a distance. Just enough to keep the box a modest recommended temp, even in the winter and allowing the air to circulate and help speed up the offgassing. Whatever I opt, safety is the name of the game. DOn't want anything blowing up, catching fire etc or the wife is apt to seriously derail the hobby train. If I don't get it done this week, I should be able to finish it up about the second week of January. I can work on some other stuff in the meantime. I have an order of about 150 different baits coming in so I'll have plenty to sand prime and paint. Thanks a bunch guys