Sad to say, but what you speak of is not remotely new. Ask any artist, singer/songwriter, inventor, etc. The copyright and patent offices have been in existence for a long time for a reason.
I do understand your point to a degree, but even the big boys deal with it everyday. I remember when Strike King brought out the "Sexy Shad" pattern. Almost overnight EVERYBODY was turning out the same pattern with similar naming.
My only complaint in the whole thing is I don't agree with calling an airbrushed, mass-produced plastic blank a custom lure. "Custom Painted" is fine, but that's it. I freely admit that most of the lures I make are copies, but of classic lure models and paint patterns. And they all start off as a chunk of wood that I turn and/or carve into a lure. Hell, in many cases I even cut the tree down and use a froe and wedges to split slabs out that I resaw into the blocks I turn/carve. I just don't get the same satisfaction out of catching a fish on a plastic blank I painted as I do on a lure that I made from scratch.
I do this purely as a hobby. I do sell a few when I've got time to make some, but I know I'll never get rich at it. Hell, if I make enough to break even on parts and paint I consider it a win. However, if I ever decided to make lures as a business, it would be with the understanding that there are myriad people out there who won't think twice about ripping off any design or paint scheme I come up with. I'd just have to put out a better, more consistent product that I could call "The Original" with a clear conscience.