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Everything posted by Jaw

  1. Jaw

    Chartreuse Bruce

    Punk rock rat. I like it
  2. Jaw


    2 3/4" long 1/2" wide .4 oz createx and comart paint solarez undercoat bob smith topcoat falls with a flutter but not flat kind of a face tilted fall. I only put a front blade on and decided to try a dressed treble in the back but I think it creates a little more drag on the fall than I wanted but it's my first try and first bait in awhile guess we will see how it works
  3. Jaw


    After loosing a duo spy bait I decided to try making my own. Hope the pic is clear enough to see it doesn't look as clear on the preview as it does on my phone
  4. I wear safety glasses all day everyday but somehow that piece got past them, maybe they slipped down at the last minute really not sure.
  5. The rust is not in my pupil either luckily. It was a long sliver of metal and it had to be pulled out using a needle but even more disturbing was the multiple times they had to drill the rust ring over the next 2 months, having a drill bit stuck in your eye is somthing hard to get used to no matter how many times you have it done then being able to hold your eye open while they do it is even more of a mental challenge
  6. I prefer solarez the alumilite product does not seem more durable to me and I've had issues with it curing and it has a really stout chemical smell. I got mine last dec they may have improved the product by now or my batch may be a little off but not ordering any more to compare
  7. Ben I'm an electrician/instrument tech and have had a drill bit explode and a sliver got past my safety glasses. I worked another eight hrs with the sliver in my eye of course my eye was bothering me but everyone I asked said the couldn't see anything in my eye. I finally got to a good mirror some ten hrs later and could clearly see the piece sticking out of my eye. The irritation was caused by my eyelid hitting the sliver. I had to have my eye drilled multiple times and wore an eye patch for a long time but the rust ring could not be completely removed and now if I have an MRI or something like they have to monitor me to make sure it's not trying to pull my eye out. The metal rust will be there forever I'm told
  8. I've used wheel weights myself in the past but can't remember any difference in the way the sprue twisted off. A word of cation if you don't already know but the wheel weights really need to be cleaned and fluxed to remove the impurities in them or they can cause a lot of pouring issues. I try to use only pure lead now but I only pour for myself and a few friends and not that often. There is a lot of information about this in the wire bait section of the forum
  9. That's the video that I watched prior to purchasing the product last December but I still haven't gotten it to preform as well as solarez but I picked up a new uv light last week ( 3rd one) so I might give it another shot with the new light. I also picked up some loons uv product at a fly shop to try out on small ultralight poppers
  10. I guess the first lures I made would have been crappie jigs. Started with premade jig heads and sewing thread. The feathers and other material came from whatever caught my eye. Then I found a fly shop within a decent driving distance from home and accumulated drawers full of fur and feathers. Never cared much for traditional flies so I started making my own contraptions some good some bad but all fun to make. Then it was hard baits and man were they ugly I've still got the jointed bait I made first (you can't tell which end is the front and which is the back) along with 2 basswood worm baits with bills made from coffee can lids. Man I'm glad I found this site it's improved my building immensely wish I would have known about it years ago but it was fun making all that other stuff and learning from it.
  11. I need to check on the high school fishing team idea not sure if there are any local, also looking at the boys or girls clubs of America that are local.
  12. What do you guys do with lures you don't use or haven't used in years? I am an admitted tackle hoarder and run out of room every few years. In years past I would give them to the local kids but they have all either grown up or moved so now I have a lot of soft plastics that I don't use and can't throw away. There kind of like Doritos I can't just but one pack I have to have multiple colors, sizes ect, ect. Then when I don't like the way they preform they go into a box and sit. I've made molds and melted them down to pour stuff I like but soft plastic pouring just isn't my thing and as I get older it seems I only fish certain things no matter if I have the intention if trying something else. Sorry to ramble but curious to see what you guys do.
  13. Jaw

    Flexcoat Epoxy

    Look into solarez uv cured gloss resin it's faster than d2t although it's not as shinny a finish
  14. Jaw


    Kevlar thread can't remember the manufacturer but it's not uti but I imagine they all have some version of it
  15. I bought one and never got it to spray paint either. Anything thicker than water and it plugged. I was very disappointed but some people have had good results
  16. Check out harbor freight airbrush hoses that's what I use for my backup when I'm using multiple brushes. They are cheaper and can be adapted for anything
  17. Jaw

    Officina Spinnerbaits

    Great looking baits are they powder coated or airbrushed
  18. Jaw

    DT-6 Custom

    Simple yet elegant. I like the paint
  19. Jaw

    The ILC 1... (in line crank)

    I think it's great. Love the concept
  20. Jaw

    Bream 001

    Great looking paint job
  21. Ok thanks just curious. Seems to me that the through wire would work on PVC just like wood but I haven't tried it so jmo
  22. That looks right to me just in a smaller container or portion than what I order. It's good stuff easy to work with and speeds up building if you don't mind a duller finish than what epoxy has. I like it for sealing and building foiled baits.
  23. Not an answer to your question but a question for you. Is it the design of your bait that requires through wire just asking out of curiosity because the few I've made out of pvc were capable of holding screw eyes without any problem.
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