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JBarlow last won the day on March 15 2023

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About JBarlow

  • Birthday 05/10/1969

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    Hopefully on a river in Oklahoma!

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  1. It means that a size 4 all the way through a size 2/0 will fit in that cavity in the specific style of hook. All sizes between and including the numbers.
  2. They are rebuilding their site.
  3. The Victory 10604 will fit in the following sizes... 1/32 cavity - will not fit 1/16oz. cavity - 1/0 & 2/0 1/8oz. cavity - 1/0 & 2/0 1/4oz. cavity - 3/0 3/8oz. cavity - 3/0 1/2oz. cavity - 3/0-5/0 5/8oz. cavity - 3/0-5/0
  4. The VMC 7249 will fit in this mold.
  5. JBarlow


    You will have to measure each part of the spinner. There are no standards when it comes to hook or blade sizes. One model size 4 hook may not be the same length as a different model size 4 hook. Same goes with blades.
  6. I am currently out of this mold but I highly doubt that a #1 would fit in it without modification. Usually you can go up or down 1 hook size on Do-It molds.
  7. If you guys need/want I actually have a set of these I can try in molds to see if they will fit. I can't promise they will fit and I do not have them to sell but I can check for fit. If you want/need to know just drop us an email with the mold number and I will check. The sizes I have are 3/0, 4/0, & 5/0. JB
  8. This is the wrong forum for this question. You would be better off in The Docks. This is the forum for people making hard lures.
  9. Those look great and twisted eye too. The twisted eye alone should make them hold up better than most. If you are not going to use them send them my way. I sell Super Stainless Spinner wires in Camo Brown color that look just like these but not twisted eye.
  10. Here is what I measure them at... 1/8 - 0.117 5/32 - 0.154 3/16 - 0.180 7/32 - 0.215 1/4 - 0.233 9/32 - 0.276 5/16 - 0.292 3/8 - 0.363 7/16 - 0.434 1/2 - 0.481 9/16 - 0.555 5/8 - 0.633 These are my approximate measurements. All measured with calipers...not converted from fractions. Since I do not order them I do not know what the MEY of each is. JB
  11. I do not have one of the washers here to measure but I know they are very, very small. Maybe these? JB
  12. I use an exacto knife just like dlaery suggested. Tried lots of things but none seem to work as well. JB
  13. As cadman suggested the Mustad 32824 is a good hook and it does fit but it is tight in a couple of cavities and really does not sit perfectly straight. You may have to modify the mold for a better fit. The mold I tried did close but it was a close fit. Another option would be the VMC 7150 but it is a smaller diameter wire so you may have seepage around the eye and where the hook exits the mold. It did fit and the mold did close. Jon Barlow
  14. Which mold do you have??
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