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Everything posted by JBarlow

  1. I use the Ultra Minnow Spinner Bait mold. JB
  2. smalljaw, Were you not able to get it to fit at all or were you just not happy that it did not sit perfectly straight? The 604's I tried worked but theydid not sit perfectly straight. I have to admit that it was a very tight fit but I would have said they work too. The VMC 7150 also fits in the mold but you have to use a 4/0 hook in all but the largest cavity where a 5/0 will fit. JB
  3. You really cannot use this in a fluid bed. It does not work right because of the different densities of the 2 types of paint in the blend. Because of the 2 different densities you also need to mix it well before every use or they will settle out. Best I can say is keep trying. It is a very picky paint that takes lots of practice.
  4. Have you tried warming the mold and hook as well?
  5. Colorant comes in opaque and transparent. You use the opaque colorant. Look on the retailers web site for a color chart. You should be able to tell which are opaque and which are transparent by the color chart.
  6. You were correct on the line twist. They worked but twisted. The opposing double mini did not twist bad but the single mini did. No big deal though...I can add some swivels and will probably be good to go. JB
  7. I want to do the same. I was thinking about hand carving 1 out of balsa. Here are some I made after breaking down a couple of whopper plopper buzz baits. I have not had a chance to try them yet.
  8. Love the wires that are molded in. I have modified one of my molds to accept a second one for better plastic retention.
  9. JBarlow

    Hook size

    Very funny Mark, very funny! LOL
  10. JBarlow

    Hook size

    LOL!! That picture looks familiar!
  11. https://www.amazon.com/Kumho-Reaper-Keeper-Worm-Hooks/dp/B0091C9KR2
  12. Depending on which size Brush Jig mold you have the Gamakatsu hooks may or may not fit. The 291 seems to work in the 3467 mold but not in the 3459. The eye of the hook does not fit over the post in the mold. Minor modification will probably be needed. The 2014 will not work without modification because the eye will not fit over the posts in either mold. JB
  13. Here is a picture so you can see what you will need to do to this mold to make the L111 fit into the largest cavity.
  14. The Gama 2014 is a much smaller hook than the 111BP in the same sizes. Gami 2014 in the mold. L111bp in the mold. The L111 3/0 will fit in 4 of the 5 cavities but it does not sit right in 2 of the cavities. It will not fit in the largest cavity due to the body of the mold hitting hte point of the hook.
  15. JBarlow

    Do-it mold?

    LOL!! Fixed the pic. It would work better that way that is for sure. Question. Why not just use the Poison Tail Swing mold? Is it because you want the bigger collar? Also...you could just make your own wire for that use.
  16. JBarlow

    Do-it mold?

    A picture is worth a thousand words.
  17. CES, Something else to think about. If you cannot find a spinnerbait mold that you like you may be able to modify a jig mold into a spinnerbait mold. I have done this and it worked well. JB
  18. Those skirts have a solid hub that will just break when you slide it over the hidden lead part of the lure. You will have to go with a skirt with a regular skirt collar or like bassducer suggested you can tie them on.
  19. This mod would be very simple. A round file and some elbow grease and you should be good to go. You may need to make the eye a little bigger but I don't think you will. JB
  20. Or you can wait for me to notice this thread and reply. Sometimes I am paying attention but not often. Before I go on you need to know that the mold call for a 4/0 hook and the 5319 does not come in a 4/0 so I used the 5/0 when checking to see if it fit. The 5319 5/0 will not fit into this mold. The mold will require some very, very minor modification for this hook to work. You can see the 5/0 5319 hook sitting in the mold in the picture below. Jon Barlow
  21. JBarlow


    I could not get any results the other day when I used the search feature. I use hollow beads and metal spacers on my spinner baits. JB
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