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Everything posted by sieglefish

  1. i have one and i love the thing. have had it for ten years now and i have made many different things with it. Lures for sure, turkey strikers, friction pots for turkey calls, goose calls, duck calls,etc, etc. . If you like working with wood you wll love this thing. JMO!!!!!
  2. Could it be the same foam guys use for tying flys that comes in all different colors for like making chernobyl ants and grasshoppers. if so you can buy a whole pack of it at walmart pretty cheap. I have a whole drawer full in my fly tying desk i think i might try this, let ya know how it works out. thanks!!!!
  3. Thanks guys for all the great input, i just pulled a real bone head move on these which is why they always say we learn from our mistakes. i did a re-coat and they are doing fine now. Go figure its always on the ones that turned out the best that you end up screwing something up during the process. Thanks again for all the help !!!!!!
  4. Well it would appear that I messed up the mix ratio on my last batch of Etec and now the lures I coated still have a tacky feel to them after four days. Any suggestions on where I can go from here to possibly saving these?????
  5. sieglefish


    They are actually painted on the outside, i also decided to throw on some small false eyes on it after looking it over but i didnt have a picture of it to post i think it gave it a little more detail and depth by doing so. thanks!!!!!!
  6. sieglefish


    heres my first attempt at a baitball crankbait, still got some fine tuning i think to go but its a start.
  7. sieglefish


    Did this one with the iridescent createx paints i just bought
  8. OK guys thanks for all the valuable information it has helped me out immensley. So for starters no more 5 min epoxy. It looks like i will be changing my technique for coating these addictive S.O.B.(lol) Thanks again for all the input guys knew i could count on ya!!!!!
  9. I need some help here guys if you would be so gracious. I am beating my head against the wall trying to figure out which way to go here for topcoating my lures. I have been using the two part epoxy in the 5 min and thinning it a little to buy me some time, but now i am leaning towards buying a quart of the solarez polyester resin and try using this stuff to speed up my dipping time. Can somebody tell me how this stuff compares to the two part epoxy in regards to durability and glossyness on the lures. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!
  10. sieglefish

    Peacock bass

    Yeah I know i wish i would of had a larger bait but overall I am pretty pleased with it, maybe i will turn it into a key chain or something. That way it will stay out of the trees.
  11. sieglefish

    Peacock bass

    Had this 4 3/4 inch topwater and tried a peacock bass Pretty pleased!!!!
  12. sieglefish


    Not sure what to call just like the color pattern????
  13. sieglefish


    Couple jerkbaits i did ...they look way better now that they are clear coated ..
  14. sieglefish


    First attempt at a crayfish pattern...
  15. sieglefish


    first bluegill pattern done...and first lure painted since about 5 years . I think it should work
  16. Well i"m definetly glad to hear yu guys are taking alot of precautions with that stuff which is good to know. As for A-Mac that type of mask should definetley help the cause being you didnt opt out for one of those 1.99 masks off the shelf at walmart. Moderation is the key if using in a confined area.I am not trying to scare anybody into not using it but just want to make sure we all get to go to bed safe and sound every night. Hope this helps out and may all your lures turn out nice and SHINEY!!!!!!!!!!(lol)
  17. Just thought i would pipe in on this one to maybe help clarify some questions about concrete sealer. I am currently a QC technician for a concrete manufacturing company and have been in the concrete business for over 20 years. Sealers can be kinda a tricky at times especially when dealing with various conditions. temperature is definetly a KEY factor in how they will react with any kind of surface they are being applied to, which is why they are mostly only used during the warmer months of the year. High humidity will create a much more lengthy time of cure as i am sure you are finding this out dealing with the weather we are having this year. My biggest concern tho would be the amount of EXPOSURE anyone has when using this stuff. It is HIGHLY( NOT HIGGGGHHHH) dangerous if inhaled or exposed to for any kind of lengthy time without any type of protection. Not to pick on A-mac but using a box fan and a cracked door in the garage sends shiver up my spine. I guess in short all i am saying is please use as much caution and protection that you can when using this stuff cause this is the kinda stuff that can come back to haunt ya down the road.
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