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  1. I am looking for a thin clear coat for my casting spoons. Similar to the clear coat that is on little cleos and daredevel type spoons. I am currently dipping using kbs and some dick nite that I still have, 1 coat, and it works, but it is much thicker than the aforementioned products. I also tried the aerosol spray kbs but that came out grainy and bumpy on the spoons. When you look at (and fingernail test) a little cleo or daredevel, you can't scratch it. So I know it has clearcoat on it. Just wondering what they use?
  2. Painted this spoon (createx airbrush paint), let it dry for a few days then brush painted on dick nite clear. Took care to use a pretty wide brush with decent quality and made sure there were no brush marks or runs. Looked at it about a week later and there are these little bumps, pimples, flecks, whatever in it. What happened and how do I prevent this? Might have to zoom in to see it.
  3. What I am wanting to do is get about an airbrush cup full of paint. I have a couple 2oz cans of dick nite paint that I just received. I want to shoot them through an airbrush, and I will need to get a small amount into a mixing cup to thin out before I spray it. When I open the can and pour it, its going to slop all over the side of the can and get in the lid and everything. just wondered if there is an easier way. Perhaps I am overthinking this whole thing. It definitely would not be the first time I have done that...
  4. What are some of the ways you can get a small amount of paint out of a can? Other than the obvious, pouring it out. Pouring it is messy and seems wasteful to me especially when some of the paint I am using is pretty costly. Anyone have any tricks?
  5. what do you use to spray powder?
  6. OK I will give them a try. They are more expensive, and I don't really mind the cost, its just that i didn't want to invest the money and not be satisfied. You guys have convinced me. Thanks!
  7. I want to make some casting spoons, such as the 5 of diamonds, and I want the finish to be comparable to store bought. With my store bought spoon, I cannot scratch the paint with my fingernail. But I have tried several paints and clear-coats, and on all of them, I can easily scratch the paint off. I have used vinyl paint, rattle can enamel and powder. The only one I cant really scratch is powder, but the spoons don't fit in my fluid bed and I don't want both sides covered with paint. The clears I have used were Lacquer Spray (can), Acrylic Spray (can), CS Seal Coat (left brush marks), Triple Thick (brush marks), and Sallys. They either bubble the paint underneath or do not provide adequate protection, Someone in China has figured it out, what am I doing wrong?
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