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Everything posted by jonister

  1. If you don't like the E-tex because of getting bad topcoats, try Art resin. I have yet to really screw it up with it. *knock on wood. I think Dick Nite is thinner than KBS. I've heard it has a much shorter shelf life.
  2. Mark the last can I had did smell, but it smelled more like fiberglass to me. Like you say, not nearly as bad as AC1315. Stumpjumper, I got mine to last something like 8 months. I know if I did a lot more lures I would have got through that and it would have been more justifiable.
  3. This time around I decided to order more art resin and am going to try Solarez gloss. The thing I like about both is they should last me a while and are less toxic. I'll see how this goes.
  4. Im also liking what i hear about the polytranspar. Ill have to look around and see.
  5. JR nobody asked you!! Just kidding, I love to see your work! you are the inspiration to try hand painting. I might pick up a little brush kit and some basic paint from Blick. I wonder, should i try acrylic, oil based, water based?
  6. I would like to add a new touch to my lures. I was thinking had painting with a small brush would allow me to get a little finer. Maybe try scale tipping, etc. What should I get? I was thinking of getting a little acrylic kit with some basic colors, plus some small brushes. On the other hand, I also was thinking about buying a actual wood carving airbrush kit from McKenzie taxidermy. I think it's polytranspar taxidermy paint. Pros and cons? One vs the other?
  7. Pretty bad but I either do it outside, or do it under the paint booth, both with a chemical respirator on. It clears out pretty quick in the garage
  8. I might get another can. I will have to think about it. I might try leaving it in its original container as well.
  9. I had thinned it with zylene. A couple times. I didn't stick it in the heat box until it really started to go off. It got to the point of having to take off the 1/2" layer of stuff on top that had gone off. I might get another can. Well see. I guess I had it for around 8 months. It was awesome until it started to go off. Maybe I shouldn't be letting the drips go back in the can? I started to get little shards of thick stuff too.
  10. In another post I had talked about my KBS starting to go off. It was bad, but not this bad. I put it in a heat box to try to help. I think it only sped the process. Any tips? Recommendations? Maybe I'll try AC1315 again. Who knows..
  11. jonister

    Mega Traps

    You can order clear blanks from Ratltrap directly I believe.
  12. There are certain stores I won't go in for a reason..
  13. the Do-it dropshot mold can be re purposed. They make nice little inserts
  14. the last lure I stuck was just before Christmas at a public pond. About 34 degrees out. I was kinda fishing to fish so to speak. That being said when I stuck my only crawfish wiggle wart on a Lilly pad in 3 feet of water, I wanted it back.. I took my pants off so they would stay dry. The looks you get wading in at a public park at mid day. I got it back though! In all honesty I try to fish in the nasty crap and occasionally do get stuck, but that's where the fish are! A plug knocker is a good tool to have in the boat. Taking a dip in lower 40 degree water is cold BTW.
  15. jonister


    i believe it is alcohol based Mark. I feel that is what makes it bleed so bad with some clear coat.
  16. jonister


    Dale I'd guess maybe about the same. If you paint as little as me, or aren't producing too many baits for other guys you should be fine. They also have the refills and those last a while. Just make sure you put the caps back on tight! I've only ran out if blue, and my green is getting low. I've been using then for some time now. Also, I use the comic on flies and streamers simply because there is no clean up and it lasts on the fly. On lures I'm still getting around the whole paint coming off part but that's just a kink in my epoxy I use. Once I find a good one I'm sure it will work just fine. I feel it has just about the same limitations of an airbrush, but you can not mix colors unless you spray on. It's a pretty cool system though.
  17. Dale I will! Usually we don't have ice, like ever, maybe once a year, but we seem to be in some polar plunge so I'm waiting till there is enough open water to launch my kayak
  18. I finished carving 4 square bills the other day.. sealed them... Got them ready for paint... Said screw it and left them bare. Put a clear over it. Gave em hooks. I'm just gonna fish them bare wood and see what happens. I'll fish them each for 30 minutes and find out which works best, catches most fish. I might even paint one eventually. I'm totally with you Mark... I don't enjoy the painting nearly as much as the lure building itself.. and I'm lazy when it comes to painting.
  19. Weigh your "1/4" oz or "1/2" oz baits and tell us the weight. It's funny how off they can be. Some companies are really good though when it comes to that stuff. Maybe that's why I always had a soft coat, just never experimented with different ratios..
  20. I did the zylene and put it in a Mason jar. I've probably had it for about 8 or 9 months now? I never went through the whole thing but I used it a bunch. I think I'm going to get more Solarez and Art resin next time I order stuff. Maybe try dick nite and bloxygen, and then spray it on. I don't like the idea of expensive stuff going off in the can. Or get the KBS and just tap the can next time.
  21. KBS is pretty thin. Mine went off in the can though recently so I'm thinking I'm going to change things up.. Etex is nice but It was always a guessing game weather or not It would cure. I go with Art resin now. It is about the same as far as weight goes, but is much clearer and a lot moree forgiving with mix ratio. Definitely heavier though, or at least it goes on heavier.
  22. Hahaha!! Mark I laughed so hard!
  23. wow. just wow. This stuff you guys put together is incredible. Maybe ill go get a degree in mechanical engineering just to make more lures For now, i got a new carving knife..
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