Agree to disagree Monte. All about preferences. Both process work. Never had a nozzle clog. On small jobs I pour into the injector. For Large quantities I use the "suck" method from the pot. All about preferences I think. Just have to ensure that the air is out at the nozzle which is not that hard. I hear about man bad baits coming from both methods.
Pouring vs sucking is ok, just purge the air before shooting. A preference thing when shooting small amounts of plastic. You are going to have some left in the injector.
Make sure you are topping off the cavities. That plastic will suck air while venting, cooling. Sprue extenders work.
Have them both. Both molds are great and the baits for both are fish catchers. Many ask for the 706, I think, because it is close to the rage craw. I use it more as a trailer and the 702 on a naked jig head. Both are great. If you can, get them both.
BJ's the best I found for bags. When I put large number of baits together, they get the plastic food containers. Store better, see through, and very easy to pen and reuse. Local guys bring them back.
Just a thought. There is red in the June Bug colorant, are you getting that stuff mixed well enough? That Spike it will settle and it requires some major shaking. Do you have the nuts and bolt in the bottom to help when you shake it? Encourage you to add the colorant prior to heating.
Bait Junky's Monster worm will make a 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.5 inch ribbon tail worm. Many options on the water with a snip or two.
His Tenne-C worm is also good if you fish a C hook.
That 32746 4/0 fits only the smaller cavity. 5/0 works on all others, just like Barlow put on his web, at least on my mold. No issues what so ever. Use drop out if you are not and it will improve the pour.
The Gamy 604 is what the Do It folks built it around. Fits great if you use the correct size.
Not tried the Owner.
As far as blades, his chart is a great guide. If you cut your own wire you can go bigger with a longer wire. Almost like an upside down spinner bait. I personally do not care for it that way.
Not established yet as far as price. I found it in the forum under the stuff we are working on subject. He listed some hooks on there as well.
I am on standby to purchase it when it is posted on the store and cutting starts. His other jig molds are some sweet products.
After a few days of air curing., I put the into a glad ware type plastic container, add some drops and let them st in there a few days. You can also put the baits and oil in, snap the lid and give it a shake; bag.
So many uses, so many looks, no preference here though I like the larger flakes for most baits I use. Usually mix with the exception of small baits and skirts.
Apdriver is a handle for a guy on here.
Just plain news paper. Try sheet numbers until you get what you like. I like 4 sheets. I lay them over the pvc and push my cup onto the top. Turn on the pump and adjust. Lay the pump up next to the pvc for the agitating.
Some use coffee filters and have success.
I put my operation onto a paper plate to collect any powder that should drift. Not much though.
White and GP are the toughest for me but this technique seems to work. Keep the powder moisture free!
I use newspaper and something that APDRIVER put out there. It vibrates and shakes the cup and keeps the powder fluffed.
The air pump I have shakes enough to vibrate the cup. I put it up next to the cup so it touches. 100% works.