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Walking Dead

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  1. http://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Football-Weedless-Jig-Mold-P260.aspx http://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Arky-Weedless-Jig-Mold-P252.aspx http://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Round-Head-Weedless-Jig-Molds-P265.aspx Take a look at what John says on his site. May help.
  2. X2 from do it, June bug
  3. Yep, possible. Have to let it cool down some though. The Table salt is a little heavier than the flake and will settle faster. I use the flake but still do some heavier salt. Just have to let it cool to maybe 300, a good stir, load and shoot. just seems to remain spread out in the bait and remain.
  4. I posted before, you will not stop with just those two molds and with that, try putting 6 ounces of plastic in a 3 ounce injector at one time. You can get three, 4, 5, and 6 ounces into a 6 ounce injector.
  5. Or you can take Bait Junky's worm, and with a simple snip, have a 9 inch, 8 inch, 7 inch, 6 inch . . . . You won't get a 10 inch worm out of a 9, 8, 7, 6, inch mold!
  6. X2 on the Bait Junky's ribbon worm!
  7. Another option is to use small butane or propane torch to give the cold side a heat up, then inject the other side. Also, having ridges or dimples on one side helps gives the second shot something to adhere to.
  8. Barlows sells football versions with a color. I choose to shoot my skirts, bag them. I thread one on before the bait of choise, vioula! I also tie silicone onto grommets and slide them on first. Just options for you.
  9. The bottles he uses have a larger opening but, never had an issue with packing. Only bubble I have had were self imposed with the salt I added. Salt accumulated humidity. Best plastic I have used.
  10. 1/2, 3/4, 1 ounce FB heads with screw locks. deep bait in summer. 8-20 feet.
  11. Yup, what they did; http://www.domkaoutdoorscustoms.com/product-p/pa-fishjig.htm
  12. Looks like some one took a color and gave them a name. Recommend looking at the powder colors posted on a place like columbiacoatings.com and try to match. Post a pic if you have them.
  13. Have any chartreuse baits that bleed like zoom chartreuse pepper? Lay them over the baits setting in the sun and they will dye them.
  14. Color wheel. Red and yellow primary colors will get you to the orange color. Use black to get the shade, even some white to adjust. Google the color wheel, take a look at the primary colors, what secondary they make when mied. Really only need the primary colors and the black and white and you are pretty much complete to make what you want and call it what you want.
  15. Red, yellow, blue: have to have these as they are the 'primary' colors that you use to make the other colors. Add white and black to shade your other colors. Add WM, done.
  16. I do the sticks and jerk baits for a fall rate. The finesse worms I leave it out to get the buoyancy so the tail either slowly falls or remains up.
  17. Do it bought the company, I believe.
  18. Maybe the plastic is too hot which is a thinner medium that will allow items to fall with gravity. Try the plastic in a cooler temp and see if you can get that glitter to suspend.
  19. Option, hand pour one side, let sit and inject the other Sid, closed. Sounds like you have enough injector for that. Maybe another nozzle would speed you up some.
  20. Anyone have a pic of this color? Have some interest in it but have never seen it. Heard it is a Dark WM. Zoom has it listed as a special distribution color but no picture. Thanks.
  21. + 1 on great molds and company.
  22. Az, it is powder paint and if you look, each company has their own business plan/concept. One attracts anglers and thus you get angler color names. Others have ideas for powder painting large things like Harley's, cars, wheels. Some buy large quantities, cut it and package to resell on eBay etc. CC is using , for the most part names that are in the RAL colors, etc. similar but a]same colors, cannot beat the CC prices when you go for pounds vs a 2 ounce jar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_RAL_colors
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