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Walking Dead

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Everything posted by Walking Dead

  1. Think big show enddd up with the original molds. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired2fish.com/fishing-rigs/big-shows-baits-ditto-gator-tail-worm/amp/
  2. Last mold maker I knew of was Bear’s baits who no longer cuts molds. contact Lurecraft who may cut a mold similar.
  3. https://www.lurecraft.com/mobile/ASC4-Centipede-2-Sided-Alum-2-Cav/productinfo/5XLU-17341/
  4. No but send them an email. They are pretty quick.
  5. Have lurecraft make you some silicone molds.
  6. Here is a two inch centipede that may work. Too skinny? http://www.basstackle.com/2_Centipede_p/537-1-6.htm
  7. Lure craft, Baitjunky’s, enforcer, Basstackle, ultra molds, Jacobs, Do-it, Del’s and BTS molds all have had single tail grubs out for some time.
  8. Bottom. https://www.captainhookswarehouse.com/index.cfm?page=products&catid=37&view=1
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LONG-TAILS-SWIVEL-END-WEIGHT-LEAD-WIRES-FISHING-TACKLE-SEA-COMPETITION-80mm-3-/163255925726 looks like eBay.
  10. Silicone has an “oil” base and thus the odor. I set mine out open, to air out. Had some floor mats for the car do the same thing.
  11. May not be right for many but I use WD 40 to clean mold and work top. Just wipe it dry. No problems.
  12. https://www.barlowstackle.com/make-spinner-baits.html another
  13. I have both their 3 oz and 6 ounces and use the sizers more. 12 ounces is a lot of plastic so having the number of molds reduces reheats or reloads.
  14. I just use these, little less money and IMO the double is not necessary. https://www.captainhookswarehouse.com/index.cfm?page=detail&hookid=1099&view=1
  15. Shoots Ok. I had to work my upper appendages where they meet the body. I kept getting a half moon blank on the top baits. I increased the venting and no issues. Good bait.
  16. Not the best quality vid but it might help some.
  17. Adjust with this one. Couple of the FT strands might work. https://fishingskirts.com/builds/yellow-perch/
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